Match column-I with column-II and select the correct option.
    Column-I               Column-II
a. Corvus                  (i) Single circulation
b. Aedes                   (ii) Open circulation
c. Calotes                 (iii) Double circulation
d. Scoliodon             (iv) Incomplete double circulation
1. a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)
2. a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii)
3. a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i)
4. a(iii), b(ii), c(i), d(iv)

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Please attempt this question first.

Read the given statements carefully:
A. RBCs are devoid of nucleus in most of the mammals and are biconvex in shape.
B. Lymph has the same mineral distribution as that in plasma.
C. By counting the number of QRS complexes in ECG that occur in a given time period, one can determine the heartbeat rate of an individual.
D. Heart is an endodermally derived organ.
How many of the given statements are correct?
1. Three
2. Four
3. Two
4. One
Subtopic:  Human Heart: Gross Anatomy | ECG & Coronary Artery Disease | Lymph | Blood: General Description & RBC |
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Please attempt this question first.

Assertion (A): The walls of ventricles are much thicker than that of the atria.
Reason (R): Ventricles pump blood to different organs and the pressure with which the blood flows through them is much more than the auricles.
In the light of above statements, choose the correct option.
1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
2. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
3. (A) is true but (R) is false
4. Both (A) and (R) are false
Subtopic:  Human Heart: Double Circulation |
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Please attempt this question first.


Match the formed elements in column I with their percent of total WBCs in column II and select the correct option:
Column I Column II
(a) Eosinophils (i) 60-65%
(b) Monocytes (ii) 0.5-1%
(c) Basophils (iii) 6-8%
(d) Neutrophils (iv) 2-3%
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1. (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
2. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
3. (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
4. (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
Subtopic:  Blood: White Blood Cells | Blood: General Description & RBC |
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Please attempt this question first.

Read the given statements carefully.
(a) Congestion of lungs is one of the main symptoms of heart failure.
(b) Each vein has an inner lining of cuboidal endothelium, called tunica intima.
(c) The cardiac output of an athlete will be much lower than that of an ordinary man.
Select the correct option.
1. Only statements (a) and (b) are correct.
2. Only statements (a) and (c) are correct.
3. Only statement (c) is correct.
4. Only statements (b) and (c) are incorrect.
Subtopic:  Human Heart: Double Circulation | Human Heart: Cardiac Cycle |
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Please attempt this question first.

Read the given statements carefully.
(a) The systemic circulation provides nutrients, CO2, and other essential substances to the tissues and takes O2 and other harmful substances away for elimination.
(b) Heart of both humans and cockroach is myogenic.
(c) Intestinal juice along with pancreatic juice is known as succus entericus.
(d) The SAN can generate the maximum number of action potentials, i.e., 70-75 min–1
How many of the given statements are correct?
1. Four
2. Three
3. Two
4. One
Subtopic:  Human Heart: Cardiac Cycle |
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Please attempt this question first.


Read the given statements and select the correct option.
Statement-A : Though the human heart is autoexcitable, its functions can be moderated by both neural and hormonal mechanisms.
Statement-B : Lymph is almost similar to blood except for the protein content and the formed elements.
1. Both statements A and B are correct
2. Both statements A and B are incorrect
3. Only statement A is incorrect
4. Only statement B is incorrect
Subtopic:  Lymph | Regulation of Cardiac Activity |
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Please attempt this question first.

Match column-I with column-II and select the correct option: 
Column-I Column-II
a. Atherosclerosis (i) Liver is affected
b. Angina (ii) Feeling of nausea
c. Jaundice (iii) Acute chest pain
d. Vomiting (iv) Deposition of calcium, cholesterol, etc in arteries

1. a(iii), b(iv), c(i), d(ii)
2. a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i)
3. a(iv), b(i), c(iii), d(ii)
4. a(iv), b(iii), c(i), d(ii)
Subtopic:  Atherosclerosis, Hypertension & Ventricular Fibrillation |
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Please attempt this question first.

Read the given statements and select the correct option:
(a) The volume of blood pumped out by the right and left ventricles is the same during each cardiac cycle. 
(b) A person whose blood group is O has both A and B antigens on his/her RBCs.
(c) Blood normally contains 15,000-35,000 platelets mm-3 of blood. 
1. Statements (a) and (b) are correct, (c) is incorrect 
2. Only statement (c) is correct 
3. Statements (b) and (c) are correct, (a) is incorrect 
4. Only statement (a) is correct 
Subtopic:  Human Heart: Cardiac Cycle |
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Please attempt this question first.


Read the given statements and select the correct option 
Statement A: ABO blood grouping is called so due to the antigens A,B, and O present on the surface of human RBCs
Statement B: It is much easier for a small animal to run uphill than a large animal because smaller animals have a higher metabolic rate per unit mass 
Statement C: Persons with 'AB' group can accept blood from persons with AB, as well the other groups of blood 
1. Statements A and B are correct 
2. Statement A, B and C are correct 
3. Statement A and C are correct 
4. Statements B and C are correct 
Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group (A,B,O) |
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Please attempt this question first.