Q. 22 A truck is pulling a car out of a ditch by means of a steel cable that is 9.1 m long and has a radius of 5 mm. When the car just begins to move, the tension in the cable is 800 N. How much has the cable stretched?

(Young's modulus for steel is 2×1011 N/m2)

Hint: Use the concept of Young's modulus.
Step 1:Find the change in length of the cable.
Length of steel cable, l = 9.1 m
                    Radius, r = 5mm = 5×10-3 m
Tension in the cable, F = 800 N
Young's modulus for steel, Y = 2×1011 N/m2
Change is length, l=?
Young's modulus, (Y) =FA×lll=Fπr2×lY