Two charged particles traverse identical helical paths in a completely opposite sense in a uniform magnetic field \(\overrightarrow{B}=B_0\hat{k}. \)

1. They have equal \(z-\)components of momenta.
2. They must have equal charges.
3. They necessarily represent a particle-antiparticle pair.
4. The charge to mass ratio satisfy: \(\left( \dfrac{e}{m} \right)_{1} + \left( \dfrac{e}{m} \right)_{2} = 0\)

d) Hint: Apply the concept of Lorentz force.
Step 1: For a given pitch, P=2πmvcosθBqqm=2πvcosθBP [θ = angle of the velocity of a charged particle with x-axis]
If the motion is not helical, θ = 0o.
Step 2: As the path of both the particles is identical and helical but of opposite direction in the same magnetic field, so by the law of conservation of momenta:

So, it verifies answer (d).