The line that draws power supply to your house from the street has 
(a) zero average current
(b) \(220\) V average voltage
(c) voltage and current out of phase by \(90^\circ\)
(d) voltage and current possibly differing in phase \(\phi\) such that \(|\phi|<\dfrac \pi 2\)
Choose the correct options:
1. (b), (c)
2. (a), (d)
3. (b), (d)
4. (a), (c)
(a, d) Hint: AC currents are used in domestic supplies.
For household supplies, AC currents are used which are having zero average value over a cycle.
The line is having some resistance so the power factor, cos ϕ=RZ0
So,                            ϕπ/2ϕ<π/2
i.e., phase lies between 0 and π/2.