Match the statements given in column 1 with corresponding characteristics given in column II and choose the correct option:

Column -I Column -II
A. Entropy of vaporization 1. Decreases
B. K for a spontaneous process 2. Is always positive
C. Crystalline solid state 3. Lowest entropy
D. \(\Delta U\) in an adiabatic expansion of ideal gas 4. \(\Delta H_{vap} \over T_b\)


Options: A B C D
1. 2,4 2 3 1
2. 1 2 3 4
3. 1 4,3 3 2
4. 4 3 3,1 2
Hint: Entropy of vaporization = HvapTb
A. Entropy of vaporisation is always positive. It is equal to HvapTb
B. rG°=-RT  ln K
If K is positive, rG°=negative and reaction is spontaneous.
C. Crystalline solid-state has the lowest entropy.
D. During the adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, q = 0. Hence, U=q+W gives U=W, i.e., work done is at the cost of internal energy which decreases.