Incorrect statement among the following about amorphous solids is -

1. On heating they may become crystalline at a certain temperature.
2. They may become crystalline on keeping for a long time.
3. Amorphous solids can be moulded by heating.
4. They are anisotropic in nature.

HINT: Amorphous solids are isotropic in nature.


Amorphous solid, any noncrystalline solid in which the atoms and molecules are not organized in a definite lattice pattern. Such solids include glass, plastic, and gel.

Amorphous solids are isotropic in nature because it has no long-range order and any physical property will be same on all direction.

On the other hand, anisotropic nature is a characteristic feature of crystalline solid.
They may become crystalline at some temperature. Some glass objects from ancient civilizations are found to become milky in appearance because of some crystallization.