Which of the following is an ecosystem service provided by a natural ecosystem?

1. Cycling of nutrients
2. Prevention of soil erosion
3. Pollutant absorption and reduction of the threat of global warming
4. All of the above

Ans. (d) A natural ecosystem maintains its biotic and abiotic factors naturally. The products of ecosystem processes are called ecosystem services. A healthy ecosystem provides a wide range of economic, environmental, and aesthetic goods and services.

The various ecosystem services provided by a natural ecosystem includes

(i) Purify air and water
(ii) Migration of droughts and floods
(iii) Nutrient cycling
(iv) Generation of fertile soil
(v) Maintenance of biodiversity
(vi) Provide storage site for carbon
(vi) Pollinate crops
(vii) Also provides aesthetic, cultural, and spiritual valves

Thus, all the above options are correct.

Page 255, XII NCERT