Endoparasites are found inside the host body. Mention the special structure, possessed by these and which enables them to survive in those conditions.

The endoparasites such as Taenia solium and Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke), etc., are found inside the host body, and survive due to the presenceof certain characters.
Special characters present in by endoparasites are as folows
(i) The possess anaerobic respiration and the gaseous exchange is through general body surface.
(ii) These organisms bear additional organ for the attachment to the host. Fasciola hepatica possesses acetabulum or posterior sucker for the attachment. Taenia solium posses hooks and suckers for the attachment with the host.
(iii) Reproductive organs are well developed. They are generally, hermaphrodite and self fertilisation is common in them.
(iv) The thick tegument (body covering) is present which is resistant to the host's digestive enzymes and antitoxins.
(v) Absence of locomotary organs.
(vi) Tapeworms lack digestive organs because digested and semidigested food of the host is directly absorbed through their because body surface.