Read the statements given below w.r.t disease-causing microbes.
(a) All parasites are pathogens as they cause harm to the host.
(b) Pathogens have to adapt to live within the environment of the host,
(c) Pathogen of amoebic dysentery lives in the gut of host organism.
(d) Pathogens can enter human body by various means causing functional damage but do not interfere with normal vital activities.

Select the option that contains correct statements only.
1. (a) and (b) only
2. (b) and (c) only
3. (a), (b) and (d) only
4. (a), (b), (c) and (d)

Subtopic:  Treatment & Life Cycle of Malaria |
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Please attempt this question first.

Typhoid fever also known as enteric fever is used to describe the acute infection caused by a gram-negative bacteria 'X'. Select the correct option for 'X'.
1. Streptococcus
2. Salmonella
3. Escherichia
4. Haemophilus
Subtopic:  Typhoid Fever |
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Please attempt this question first.

Select the correct option to complete the analogy w.r.t cancer detection. Use of X-rays : Radiography :  : Use of non-ionising radiations : _________
1. MRI
2. Radiography
3. Computed tomography
4. Biopsy
Subtopic:  Cancer |
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Please attempt this question first.


Consider the figure given below and read the statements given w.r.t. it.

(a) The active chemicals are present in flower tops as well as in the resins of the plant whose leaf is depicted.
(b) Ganja, coke and marijuana can be produced from it.
(c) The chemicals extracted from the plant, when consumed, affect the brain activity and cause changes in mood, behaviour, etc.
1. Statements (a) and (b) are correct while statement (c) is incorrect.
2. Statements (a) and (c) are correct while statement (b) incorrect.
3. Statements (a) and (b) are incorrect while statement (c) is correct.
4. Statements (b) and (c) are incorrect while statement (a) is correct.
Subtopic:  Drugs & Alcohol Abuse |
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Please attempt this question first.

The principle of vaccination is based on the property of
1. Vaccine prepared by traditional method
2. Antigens present in the body of humans
3. Memory of the immune system
4. Site of interaction between antigen and antibody
Subtopic:  Fungal Infection & Concept of Immunity |
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Please attempt this question first.

Choose the odd one w.r.t. the structures that provides the site of interaction of lymphocytes with the antigen, which then proliferate to become effector cells.
1. Peyer's patches
2. Bone marrow
3. Appendix
4. Spleen
Subtopic:  Human Immune System |
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Please attempt this question first.


Identify the bacterial disease that shows air-
1. Tetanus
2. Typhoid
3. Diphtheria
4. Small pox
Subtopic:  Introduction |
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Please attempt this question first.

In an antibody molecule, the number of disulphide bonds in between the heavy chains and within the light chains respectively are
1. 2 and 4
2. 2 and 2
3. 4 and 2
4. 6 and 4
Subtopic:  Details of Immunity |
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Please attempt this question first.

________ represent an evolutionary conserved, non-specific, primitive response to stereotypical microbial component.
Select the correct option to fill in the blank.
1. Cell-mediated immunity
2. Humoral immunity
3. Innate immunity
4. Antibody-mediated immunity
Subtopic:  Details of Immunity |
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Please attempt this question first.


Consider the following statements and select the incorrect one.
1. lgG is the smallest and most abundant antibody.
2. Antigen-binding sites are present at C-terminal of an antibody.
3. Natural killer cells are type of lymphocytes associated with innate immunity.
4. Cell-mediated immune response is responsible for graft rejection.
Subtopic:  Details of Immunity |
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Please attempt this question first.