Post mitotic gap phase is characterised by all, except?
1. synthesis of RNA and nucleotides
2. no change in DNA content
3. synthesis of histone proteins
4. growth phase of the cell

Subtopic:  Cell Division: Mitosis (Karyokinesis) |
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Match the following column I with column II :
Column I Column II
A. Carcinogen 1. Cancerous tumour
B. Anaphase-I 2. Disjunction
C. Mitotsis 3. Synapsis
D. Zygotene 4. Plectonemic coiling
1. 1 2 4 3
2. 3 1 4 2
3. 2 3 1 4
4. 4 1 3 2
Subtopic:  Cell Cycle: Meiosis I |
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In cell cycle, during which phase, chromosomes are arranged equatorial plate? 
1. Metaphase 
2. Anaphase 
3. Telophase 
4. Prophase
Subtopic:  Cell Division: Mitosis (Karyokinesis) |
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Please attempt this question first.


Crossing over occurs in
1. zygotene
2. leptotene
3. pachytene
4. diplotene 
Subtopic:  Cell Cycle: Meiosis I |
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Please attempt this question first.

Match List I with List II
List I List II
A. Alignment of tetrads on the equatorial plate I. Crossing over
B. Genetic diversity II. Anaphase I
C. Centriole duplication III. Telophase
D. Cytokinesis IV. S Phase
V. Metaphase I
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A ‐ I, B ‐ II, C ‐ III, D ‐ IV
2. A ‐ V, B ‐ I, C ‐ IV, D ‐ II
3. A ‐ V, B ‐ I, C ‐ IV, D ‐ III
4. A ‐ II, B ‐ I, C ‐ IV, D ‐ III
Subtopic:  Cell Division: Mitosis (Karyokinesis) | Cell Division: Mitosis (Cytokinesis) | Cell Cycle: Meiosis I |
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Please attempt this question first.

Given below are two statements
Statement I: Anaphase begins when the cohesin proteins are cleaved.
Statement II: Cohesin is responsible for chromosome condensation during cell divsion.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
1. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
3. Statement I is true but Statement II is false
4. Statement I is false but Statement II is true
Subtopic:  Cell Division: Mitosis (Karyokinesis) |
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The radial array of short microtubules that extends from each centrosome is termed as
1. Aster
2. Centrosome
3. Kinetochore
4. Microtubules
Subtopic:  Cell Division: Mitosis (Karyokinesis) |
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Please attempt this question first.

Given below are two statements
Statement I: Kinases are enzymes that activate or inactivate other proteins by phosphorylating them.
Statement II: Kinases that drive the cell cycle are present in an active form but at a constant concentration in the growing cell.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
1. Both Statement I and Statement II are true
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
3. Statement I is true but Statement II is false
4. Statement I is false but Statement II is true
Subtopic:  Intro to Cell Cycle & Interphase |
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The drug Swinholide sequesters actin dimers and blocks the function of actin. Which of the following aspect of the animal cell cycle would be most disrupted by Swinholide?
1. Spindle formation
2. Spindle attachment to kinetochores
3. Cell elongation during anaphase
4. Cleavage furrow formation and cytokinesis
Subtopic:  Intro to Cell Cycle & Interphase |
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Synaptonemal Complex is formed?
1. During Anaphase
2. During Metaphase
3. During Prophase II
4. During Prophase I of meiosis
Subtopic:  Cell Cycle: Meiosis I |
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Please attempt this question first.