Female reproductive cycle is regulated by 
1. Estrogen 
2. Progesterone 
3. Relaxin 
4. Both (1) and (2)

Subtopic:  Introduction to Menstrual Cycle: 1 | Menstrual Cycle: Pre Ovulatory Phase | Menstrual Cycle: Luteal Phase |
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Which one of the following is not a male accessory gland?
1. Seminal vesicle 
2. Ampulla 
3. Prostate 
4. Bulbourethral gland 
Subtopic:  Introduction | Male Reproductive System |
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Given below is a diagrammatic sketch of human male reproductive system. Select correct set of manes of the parts labelled as a, b, c and d. 
a b c d
1.  Ureter  Prostate  Seminal vesicle Bulbo urethral gland 
2.  Vas deferens  Seminal vesicle  Prostate  Bulbo urethral gland
3.  Vas deferens  Seminal vesicle  Bulbo urethral gland Prostate 
4. Ureter  Seminal vesicle Prostate  Bulbo urethral gland 
Subtopic:  Male Reproductive System |
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Match the following. 
Column I Column II
i.  Male reproductive organ  a.  Semen
ii.  Site of sperm maturation and storage b.  Seminiferous tubules 
iii.  Unit of testis  c. Testis 
iv.  Substance containing sperm and other secretion  d.  Epididymis 
1. (i-c), (ii-a), (iii-b), (iv-d)
2. (i-a), (ii-b), (iii-c), (iv-d)
3. (i-c), (ii-d), (iii-b), (iv-a)
4. (i-d), (ii-c), (iii-a), (iv-b)
Subtopic:  Male Reproductive System |
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Match the following columns and select the correct option. 
Column-I Column-II
a.  Placenta  i.  Androgens
b.  Zona pellucida ii.  Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
c.  Bulbo-urethral glands  iii.  Layer of the ovum 
d.  Leydig cells iv.  Lubrication of the Penis 
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1.  (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
2.  (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
3.  (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
4.  (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
Subtopic:  Implantation |
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Match the following columns and select the correct option. 
Column I  Column II
i.  Ovary a.  Human chorionic Gonadotropin
ii.  Placenta  b.  Estrogen nad Progesterone
iii.  Corpus luteum  c.  Androgens 
iv.  Leydig cells d.  Progesterone only 
1. (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(d)
2. (i)-(a), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(d)
3. (i)-(b), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(d), (iv)-(c)
4. (i)-(d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a)
Subtopic:  Female Reproductive System-2 |
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Identify the CORRECT match from the Columns I, II and III.
1. Interstitial cells a.  Cortex of ovary  i.  Follicular fluid 
2.  Sertoli cells b.  Ovarian follicle  ii.  Progesterone 
3.  Granulosa cells c.  Testis  iii.  Attachment of sperm bundle 
4.  Cells of corpus luteum  d.  Seminiferous tubules  iv.  Testosterone 
1. 2-a-iii, 1-c-iv, 3-b-i, 4-d-ii
2. 1-c-iv, 2-d-iii, 3-b-i, 4-a-ii
3. 1-d-iii, 2-a-iv, 3-b-i, 4-c-ii
4. 2-d-iii, 1-c-iv, 3-a-ii, 4-b-iv
Subtopic:  Female Reproductive System-2 |
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Select the CORRECT match:
Column A Column B
i.  Seminal fluid  a.  Corpus spongiosum 
ii.  Prostate gland  b.  Membranous urethra 
iii.  Ejaculatory duct  c.  Clitoris 
iv.  Erectile tissues  d.  Fructose 
e.  Prostaglandins 
1. i-d
2. ii-e
3. iii-a
4. iv-b 
Subtopic:  Male Reproductive System |
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Please attempt this question first.

Match part of sperm in column I with its component in column II and functions is
column III select the correct option. 
Column I 
(Part of sperm) 
Column II 
Column III
A. Head  P. Centrioles  W.  Whiplash movement in female reproductive tract 
B. Neck  Q. Acrosome  X.  Helps in formation of synkaryon spindle 
C. Middle piece  R. Nebenkem  Y. Provides energy for sperm movement 
D. Tail  S. Axial  Z. Secrets penetrating enzyme
1.  A-P-Z B-Q-X C-R-Y D-S-W
2.  A-Q-X B-P-Y C-S-W D-R-Z
3.  A-Q-Z B-P-X C-R-Y D-S-W
4.  A-P-Z B-Q-Y D-S-W C-R-W
Subtopic:  Spermiogenesis/Sperm Structure/Hormonal Regulation |
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Given below are structural details of a human mammary gland: 
(i) The glandular tissue in the breast has 15-20 clusters of cells called alveoli 
(ii) The milk is stored in the lumen of alveoli 
(iii) The alveoli join to form the mammary ducts 
(iv) Mammary ampulla is connected to lactiferous ducts 
Choose the option that gives the correct detail of human mammary gland 
1. (i) and (ii)
2. (ii) and (iii) 
3. (ii) and (iv) 
4. (i) and (iii) 
Subtopic:  Female Reproductive System-1 | Female Reproductive System-2 |
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