Random genetic drift in a population probably results from  
1. highly genetically variable individuals. 
2. inbreeding within this population
3. constant low mutation rate
4. large population size 

Subtopic:  Sources of Variation |

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If a random mating population is in equilibrium, which of the following brings about a change in gene frequency in a non-directional manner? 
1. Mutations
2. Random drift
3. Selection
4. Migration 

Subtopic:  Sources of Variation |

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Species formation without branching of the evolutionary line of descent is called as:
1. anagenesis, or phyletic evolution
2. cladogenesis, or divergent evolution
3. convergent evolution
4. allopatry

Subtopic:  Modern Theory of Evolution | Natural Selection | Sources of Variation |

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A mutation appears in a sub-population of organisms separated from the other group by in the same large geographical area. This mutation can spread to the other subgroup by:
1. induced muations
2. mutations in the gene pool of the other subgroup
3. mutation pressures
4. crossovers

Subtopic:  Sources of Variation |

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Self pollination leading to self fertilization in a plant will be an extreme example of:
1. bottleneck effect
2. founder effect
3. out breeding
4. assortative mating

Subtopic:  Sources of Variation |

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The genetic drift is also called as :
1. Sewall-wright effect
2. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
3. Balanced polymorphism
4. Gene flow

Subtopic:  Difference Between Drift & Selection | Sources of Variation |

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A small population experiences a sudden crash in size due to a natural calamity. The biggest threat to the population is:
1. loss of genetic variability
2. tendency towards assortative mating
3. reduced gene flow
4. Hardy - Weinberg disequilibrium

Subtopic:  Difference Between Drift & Selection | Sources of Variation |

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Population that experience genetic drift most commonly are:
1. isolated
2. small in number
3. mobile
4. closely adapted to their environment

Subtopic:  Difference Between Drift & Selection | Hardy Weinberg Law | Sources of Variation |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Genetic drift is most powerful in
1. changing environments
2. small populations
3. large populations
4. stable environments

Subtopic:  Sources of Variation |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.
