The choice of garden peas was largely responsible for success of Mendel. All the following characteristics made the plant useful for study of genetics except:
1. They are diploid and produce haploid gametes.
2. They have a complex phenotype with much genetic variability.
3. They are relatively small and easy to grow.
4. They produce edible fruit.

Subtopic:  Introduction to Genetics: 2 |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

What would be true for study of karyotype of an organism, for example, humans?
1. Microscopic analysis could allow identification of unusual cellular structures.
2. An individual could be matched to a forensic sample based on identical karyotypes.
3. A specific gene which causes a genetic disorder could be identified.
4. Genetic disorders caused by chromosomal rearrangements could be diagnosed.

Subtopic:  Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance: Introduction |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Identify the incorrect statement regarding a sex limited trait:
1. This term refers to a trait controlled by a gene located on the X or Y chromosomes.
2. This is a trait that occurs more frequently in one sex than another.
3. This is an extreme example of a sex influenced trait.
4. This trait is likely to be a secondary sex characteristic.

Subtopic:  Sex Linked Inheritance: Characteristics |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch


What is the essential difference between chromosomes in a prokaryotic and a eukaryote?
1. Eukaryotes are diploid while prokaryotes are haploid.
2. Al DNA in prokaryotes is in cytoplasm and in eukaryotes in nucleus
3. Eukaryotes have linear chromosomes while most prokaryotes contain a single circular chromsome.
4. No packaging of DNA occurs in prokaryotes and DNA is packaged only in eukaryotes

Subtopic:  Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance: Introduction |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The consequences of F factor mediated conjugation in bacteria is:
1. both strains are F+.
2. transfer of complete bacterial chromosome.
3. conversion of the recipient strain to F+ and the donor to F-.
4. both strains are F-

Subtopic:  Introduction to Genetics: 2 |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The results of a dihybrid cross deviate significantly from the expected 9:3:3:1 ratio. This is because
1. Your plant was faulty
2. The plant can only be self- pollinated in nature
3. You picked two genes that are linked and thus do not assort independently.
4. The genes involved show blending inheritance.

Subtopic:  Understanding Linkage |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch


All the following statements regarding lethal allele are true except
1. Lethal alleles are always recessive.
2. Lethal alleles may have a late age of onset.
3. Lethal alleles may be caused by mutations in essential genes.
4. Lethal alleles may affect one individual differently than another.

Subtopic:  Sex Linked Inheritance: Characteristics |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Inactivation of X-chromosome as a part of dosage compensation will be characterized by all the following except
1. The process is entirely random.
2. X inactivation may occasionally occur in males.
3. This process ensures a homogenous phenotype in heterozygotes.
4. X inactivation occurs early in embryonic development.

Subtopic:  Genic Balance Theory |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Gene ‘dosage’ effect can explain all the following except:

1. Males with one normal allele for the X linked gene dystrophin are unaffected, while females (who shut off one of their two X chromosomes) with one normal allele for dystrophin may be mildly affected with muscular dystrophy.

2. Flower color in four-o-clocks seems to be incompletely dominant.

3. In fruit flies, homozygotes for an allele that produces a small amount of functional protein are severely abnormal but survive to adulthood, while homozygotes for an allele that produces no protein at all die as embryos.

4. In bees, males normally are haploid while females normally are diploid.

Subtopic:  Genic Balance Theory |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


Resistance to sudden death is a dominant trait in soybeans. Two parent plants that are resistant to sudden death produce a progeny that is not resistant, but this progeny can pass the trait to its progeny in the next generation. This unusual pattern can be explained by?
1. Overdominance
2. Incomplete penetrance
3. Incomplete dominance
4. Variable expressivity

Subtopic:  Dominance Deviation from Mendel: 2 |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch