Plants can be grown in (Select the incorrect option)
1. Soil with essential nutrients
2. Water with essential nutrients
3. Either water or soil with essential nutrients
4. Water or soil without essential nutrients

Subtopic:  Introduction | Hydroponics & Aeroponics |

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An element that is labeled as ‘essential’ for plants is characterized by all the following except:
1. Its deficiency cannot be met by supplying some other element
2. It allows normal vegetative growth but does not allow seed set, if absent
3. Its requirement must be specific
4. It must be directly involved in the metabolism of the plant

Subtopic:  Criteria for Essentiality of Elements |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

The minimum amount of requirement for an element to be classified as a macronutrient for plants is:
1. 5 mmole kg-1 of dry matter
2. 10 mmole kg-1 of dry matter
3. 20 mmole kg-1 of dry matter
4. 40 mmole kg-1 of dry matter

Subtopic:  Criteria for Essentiality of Elements |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.


In the given diagram of a typical set up for nutrient solution culture, the purpose of X is:

1. Addition of water
2. Addition of nutrients
3. Removal of wastes
4. Aeration
Subtopic:  Hydroponics & Aeroponics |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Which of the following element required by the plants is a micronutrient?

1. Phosphorus 2. Sulphur
3. Iron 4. Magnesium
Subtopic:  Criteria for Essentiality of Elements |

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Identify the incorrect statement amongst the following:
1. Phosphorus is obtained by the plants from the soil in the form of phosphates H2PO4-or HPO42-
2. Nitrogen is obtained from the soil in the form of nitrates NO3- , nitrites NO2- and ammonium NH4+ salts
3. Sulphur is mainly obtained by plants as sulphur dioxide by foliar absorption
4. Boron is absorbed in the form of borate ions BO33-or B4O72-

Subtopic:  Mineral Function |

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Zn2+ is an activator of the enzyme:

1. RuBisCO 2. PEP carboxylase
3. Nitrogenase 4. Alcohol dehydrogenase
Subtopic:  Mineral Function |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

An essential element categorized in elements that can alter the osmotic potential of a cell will be:

1. Nitrogen 2. Phosphorus
3. Molybdenum 4. Potassium
Subtopic:  Criteria for Essentiality of Elements |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Identify the element that is not obtained by terrestrial plants primarily from soil?

1. Potassium 2. Nitrogen
3. Phosphorus 4. Carbon
Subtopic:  Criteria for Essentiality of Elements |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.


Essential micronutrients in plants:
I. are required in relatively small amounts.
II. are required for a plant to grow from a seed and complete its life cycle.
III. generally help in catalytic functions in the plant.
IV. are of small size and molecular weight.
1. Only I, II and III are correct
2. Only I, II and IV are correct
3. Only II, III and IV are correct
4. All are correct

Subtopic:  Criteria for Essentiality of Elements |

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