Give below is a diagrammatic representation which indicates the secondary structure of DNA
Choose the correct option for the structures labelled as A, B, C and D
1. Guanine Cytosine Adenine Thymine
2. Guanine Thymine Adenine Cytosine
3. Thymine Adenine Guanine Cytosine
4. Thymine Guanine Adenine Cytosine
Backbone of DNA is formed by :-
1. Sugar Phosphate Sugar
2. Nitrogen base Phosphate Sugar
3. Phosphate Nitrogen base Sugar
4. Base pairs
Nucleic acids exhibit
1. Secondary structure
2. Tertiary structure
3. Quaternary structure
4. Both (2) & (3)
Both the strands of the DNA are joined by
(1)Disulphide bond
(2)hydrogen bonds
(3)Glycosidic bonds
(4)phosphodiester bonds
Select the correct statement
1. The base pairs in DNA are stacked 0.34 nm apart
2. The diameter of a right handed helical ds B-DNA molecules is 34
3. Sugar-phosphate and hydrogen bonds are both present in a single nucleotide such as AMP
4. A and T of one strand compulsorily base pair with G and C respectively, of other strand is DNA
If the sequence of bases in one of the DNA strand is is A G G A G A A, then the sequence of bases in the other complementary strand of DNA would be
1. C C T T C T T
2. T C T C T C C
3. T C C T C T T
4. C C T C T C T
In B-DNA, one full turn of the helical strand contains
1. 11 base pairs
2. 8 base pairs
3. 10 base pairs
4. 9 base pairs
In which of the following energy is released?
1. Conversion of glucose into pyruvate
2. Formation of proteins from amino acids
3. Conversion of glucose into lactic acid
4.Both (1) & (3)