Which of the following statements is wrong?
1. Movement is one of the significant features of living beings
2. Streaming of protoplasm in the unicellular organisms like Amoeba is a simple form of movement
3. Animals and plants exhibit a wide range of movements
4. Movement of cilia, flagella and tentacles is limited to lower organisms
Locomotion can be
(1) Movement of tongue
(2) Movement of eyelids
(3) Movement of lower limbs
(4) Movement of jaws
Cilia in paramoecium do not help in
(1) Movement of food through cytopharynx
(2) Locomotion
(3) Movement of water in vacuole
(4) Both B and C
The tentacles of Hydra do not help in
(1) Capturing prey
(2) Locomotion
(3) Movement of water out of the body
(4) Both A and C
Limbs in humans are not used for
(1) Change in body postures
(2) Locomotion
(3) Movement of food in alimentary canal
(4) Both A and C
Which of the following statements is not correct?
(1) All locomotions are movements.
(2) All movements are not locomotions
(3) Animals and plants exhibit a wide range of movements
(4) Hydra cannot use its tentacles for locomotion
Which of the following statements is not correct?
1. All locomotions are movements.
2. All movements are not locomotions
3. Animals and plants exhibit a wide range of movements
4. Hydra cannot use its tentacles for locomotion
Cells of Human body exhibit which type of movement :-
1. Amoeboid
2. Muscular
3. Ciliary
4. All of the above
Based on location how many types of muscles are reported?
(1) Three, skeletal, visceral and, cardiac
(2) Two, smooth and skeletal
(3) Four, skeletal, visceral, cardiac, and Digestive systems
(4) Only one i.e. contractile muscles
Which of the following is not correct?
1. Cilia and flagella are the outgrowths of the cell membrane
2. Flagellar movements help in the swimming of spermatozoa, maintenance of water current in the canal system of sponges
3. Locomotion of Protozoan like Euglena is also carried by cillia
4. 40-50 percentage of body weight of a human adult is contributed by muscles