Slash and burn agriculture leads to nutrient-depleted soils and deforestation if:
1. crash crops are implanted rather than cereals
2. it is practiced in a sufficiently larger area
3. some useful trees are retained by the farmers
4. sufficient time is not allowed for the land to recover

Subtopic:  Resource Utilisation & Maintenance |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

According to the recommendations of the National Forest Policy of 1988, what percentage of the area is recommended as forest cover for hills?

1. 19 2. 33
3. 50 4. 67

Subtopic:  Resource Utilisation & Maintenance |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The Montreal Protocol was signed in 1987 to:

1. prevent deforestation around the world
2. control the emission of ozone-depleting substances
3. control the greenhouse gases
4. prevent hazards from radioactive nuclear wastes
Subtopic:  Ozone Layer Depletion |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


What is bad ozone?
1. Ozone formed in the troposphere
2. Ozone found in the lower stratosphere
3. Ozone found in the upper stratosphere
4. Ozone formed in the lab

Subtopic:  Ozone Layer Depletion |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

UV rays are highly injurious to living organisms as:
1. they are part of invisible electromagnetic spectrum
2. they cannot be stopped by atmospheric gases
3. they are preferentially absorbed by DNA and proteins
4. they cause dissociation of atmospheric oxygen

Subtopic:  Ozone Layer Depletion |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The thickness of ozone layer is measured in :
1. Centimorgan (cM)
2. Dobson unit
3. Roentgens
4. Lux

Subtopic:  Ozone Layer Depletion |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


CFC have a continuing effect on ozone layer as:

1.  the Cl atoms formed by them only act as catalysts in reactions causing degradation of ozone
2.  the Cl atoms formed by them are used up in reactions causing degradation of ozone
3.  they are being produced in increasing amounts all over the world
4.  they are efficiently absorbed by the atmospheric water vapours
Subtopic:  Ozone Layer Depletion |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

An abnormal warming of surface ocean waters in the eastern tropical Pacific is termed as:

1.  El Nino 2.  La Nina
3.  ENSO 4.  Ocean hazard

Subtopic:  Green House Effect & Global Warming |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The “Polyblend” developed by Ahmad Khan is a:
1. possible solution to accumulating plastic wastes
2. method for dealing with electronic wastes
3. synthetic fiber produced in India
4. organic farming product

Subtopic:  Solid Waste Pollution |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


Ecological sanitation, also known as 'Ecosan', is a new paradigm in sanitation that:

1.  eliminates the use of conventional pesticides to decrease environmental insult
2.  recognises human excreta and household wastewater as resources that can and are recovered, treated, and reused
3.  emphasises the disposal of solid waste in sanitary landfill sites
4.  emphasises the need for strict legislation against polluting industries.

Subtopic:  Water Pollution |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch