Which of the following features does not belong to Hibiscus?
1. Actinomorphic flowers
2. Pentamerous calyx
3. Twisted Corolla
4. Exstipulated leaves

Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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A. China rose is a member of the cotton family.
B. Axile placentation is found in okra and lily.
C. The staminal tube is a distinguishable feature of the mallow family.
D. Polyadelphous stamens are found in peas.
E. The members of the Mallow family have epipetalous stamens.

Given above are five statements. How many of the above statements are true?

1. Five
2. Three
3. Four
4. Two
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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Find the incorrect match.
1. Gossypium: Mallow family
2. Monoadelphous stamens: Abelmoschus
3. Imbricate corolla: Hibiscus
4. Epicalyx: Cotton
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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All of the following are incorrect except
1. The Mallow family has valvate aestivation in the calyx.
2. Abelmoschus shows twisted gamopetalous corolla.
3. Cotton carries an absolute five stamens.
4. Members of the Malvaceae family do not show epipetalous arrangement of stamens.
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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Which of the following options have examples of the plants belonging to the family from which we get Binola oil?
1. Hibiscus, Asparagus, Abelmoschus
2. Helianthus, Parthenium, China rose
3. Gossypium, Sugarcane, Okra
4. Hibiscus, Gossypium, Okra
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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Which of the following statements does not hold for the members of the “Mallow family”?
1. Monothecous and tetrasporangiate stamens are found.
2. Many endospermic seeds are present in the fruit.
3. Corolla is polypetalous.
4. A few members may not carry epicalyx
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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Consider the given statements and choose the right option.
Statement I: The Mallow family has capsules and Schizocarpic fruits.
Statement II: The Mallow family members have pentamerous calyx and corolla.
1. Statement I is correct and Statement II is incorrect.
2. Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is incorrect.
3. Statement I is correct and Statement II is correct.
4. Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is correct.
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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Match the following:
Column I Column II
A. Bisporangiate Stamens P. Liliaceae
B. Basal Placentation Q. Fabaceae
C. Marginal Placentation R. Poaceae
D. Epiphyllous Stamens S. Malvaceae

1. A-S, B-R, C-Q, D-P
2. A-R, B-Q, C-P, D-S
3. A-Q, B-P, C-S, D-R
4. A-P, B-S, C-R, D-Q
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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Given is the floral formula of a family.
Which of the following information is not explicit from the formula?
1. Presence of extra whorl below the calyx
2. Epipetalous stamens
3. Monothecous Anthers
4. Superior Gynoecium
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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Here is the list of certain features:
Staminal tube, Lodicules, Capitulum, Schizocarpic fruit, Tap root system,
Stipulated leaf, Epicalyx, Infinite stamens, Hypogynous flowers,
Marginal placentation, Twisted aestivation, Parallel venation,
Spikelet, Zygomorphic flower, Epipetalous stamens

How many of them belong to the “Cotton Family”?
1. Nine
2. Eight
3. Seven
4. Ten
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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