Match the following 
Column I Column II
A. Bisporangiate Stamens P. Liliaceae
B. Basal Placentation Q. Brassicaceae
C. Parietal Placentation R. Poaceae
D. Epiphyllous Stamens S. Malvaceae

1. A-S, B-R, C-Q, D-P
2. A-R, B-Q, C-P, D-S
3. A-Q, B-P, C-S, D-R
4. A-P, B-S, C-R, D-Q

Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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This is the floral formula of a family
Which of the following information is not explicit from the formula?
1. Presence of two whorls for stamens
2. Actinomorphic symmetry
3. Presence of false septum
4. Superior Gynoecium
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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Here is the list of certain features:
Siliqua, Lodicules, Food storing modified roots, Schizocarpic fruit, Tap root system,
Stipulated leaf, Replum, Tetradynamous stamens, Hypogynous flowers, Parietal placentation,
Twisted aestivation, Reticulate venation, Spikelet, Actinomorphic flower, Epipetalous stamens

How many of them belong to the “Cruciferae”?
1. Nine
2. Eight
3. Seven
4. Ten
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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How many statements are true among the following:
A. The members of the Brassicaceae family rarely grow in the form of an annual herb
instead they always show the growth habit of shrubs and trees.
B. The most common genus of the Brassicaceae family is Brassica.
C. The members of the Brassicaceae family do not carry bracts.
D. The cymose inflorescence is commonly seen in the members of the Brassicaceae family.
E. Pinnately compound leaves are commonly found in the Brassicaceae family.
1. Five
2. Three
3. Four
4. Two
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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Consider the given statements and choose the right option.
Statement I: The Mustard family has Racemose inflorescence.
Statement II: The Mustard family members have a syncarpous gynoecium.
1. Statement I is correct and Statement II is incorrect.
2. Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is incorrect.
3. Statement I is correct and Statement II is correct.
4. Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is correct.
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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What is true concerning tetradynamous androecium?
1. Two long stamens in the outer whorl
2. Two short stamens in the outer whorl
3. Two short stamens in the inner whorl
4. Two long stamens in the inner whorl
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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Find the incorrect match.
1. Sunflower: Compositae family
2. Schizocarpic fruit: Malvaceae family
3. Tricarpellary gynoecium: Cruciferae
4. Monothecous anther: Cotton
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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Match the following: 
Column I Column II
A. Cymose P. Graminae
B. Diadelphous Q. Cruciferae
C. Racemose R. Fabaceae
D. Spikelet S. Malvaceae
1. A-S, B-R, C-Q, D-P
2. A-R, B-Q, C-P, D-S
3. A-Q, B-P, C-S, D-R
4. A-P, B-S, C-R, D-Q
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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How many of the following show alternate phyllotaxy?
China rose, Tomato, Okra, Colchicum, Calotropis, Indigofera, Cabbage,
Cauliflower, Cotton, Sunflower, Ocimum, Makoi, Guava, potato

1. Nine
2. Thirteen
3. Eleven
4. Ten
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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Which of the following options shows a set of similar characters between the Brassicaceae family and the Fabaceae family?
1. Venation, the position of the ovary, phyllotaxy
2. Number of stamens, structure of anther, aestivation of corolla
3. Type of fruit, the position of the ovary, adhesion of stamens
4. adhesion of stamens, number of stamens, structure of anther
Subtopic:  Families of Flowering Plant |
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