Who was the first to use statistical analysis and mathematical logics for solving biological problems?
(1) Francis crick
(2) Gregor Mendel
(3) Hugo de vries
(4) W. Bateson
Gregor Mendel is known for
(1) Species concept
(2) Hybridisation experiments
(3) Discovery of chromosomes
(4) Experiments on maize plant
The total number of pure lines prepared by Mendel for his hybridization experinent in garden pea plant for seven characters were
1. 7
2. 14
3. 2
4. 22
How many pairs of contrasting traits studied by Mendel were related to pod?
(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 3
(4) 4
Among the given pea plant traits identify the odd one
(1) Violet flower
(2) Yellow seed
(3) Yellow pod
(4) Axial flower position
Mendel was born in
(1) 19th century.
(2) 18th century.
(3) 17th century.
(4) 20th century.
Our ancestors knew about the inheritance of characters and variations because-
(1) They selectively breed plants and animals and selected for organisms that possessed desirable characters.
(2) They introduced mutations
(3) They performed natural hybridisation
(4) All of the above
Mendel's work on Pisum sativum shows that
1. Alleles show blending inheritance
2. Equal proportion of F₁ resembled either of the two parents
3. In a dissimilar pair of factors, members of the pair are codominant
4. Genotype of F2 tall plant can be determined by cross with recessive parent
Among the following characters, which one was not considered by Mendel in his experiments on pea?
(1) Stem - Tall or Dwarf
(2) Trichomes - Glandular or Non-glandular
(3) Seed - Green or Yellow
(4) Pod - Inflated or Constricted
In his classic experiments on pea plants, Mendel did not use
(1) seed colour
(2) pod length
(3) seed shape
(4) flower position