Read the given statements and select the correct option:
(a) The volume of blood pumped out by the right and left ventricles is the same during each cardiac cycle. 
(b) A person whose blood group is O has both A and B antigens on his/her RBCs.
(c) Blood normally contains 15,000-35,000 platelets mm-3 of blood. 
1. Statements (a) and (b) are correct, (c) is incorrect 
2. Only statement (c) is correct 
3. Statements (b) and (c) are correct, (a) is incorrect 
4. Only statement (a) is correct 

Subtopic:  Human Heart: Cardiac Cycle |
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Read the given statements and select the correct option 
Statement A: ABO blood grouping is called so due to the antigens A,B, and O present on the surface of human RBCs
Statement B: It is much easier for a small animal to run uphill than a large animal because smaller animals have a higher metabolic rate per unit mass 
Statement C: Persons with 'AB' group can accept blood from persons with AB, as well the other groups of blood 
1. Statements A and B are correct 
2. Statement A, B and C are correct 
3. Statement A and C are correct 
4. Statements B and C are correct 
Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group (A,B,O) |
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Please attempt this question first.

Blood pressure in the pulmonary artery is 
a. More than that in the vena cava 
b. Same as that in the aorta 
c. More than that in the pulmonary vein 
Select the option with correct statements(s) 
1. a and b 
2. b and c 
3. Only c 
4. a and c 
Subtopic:  Blood: General Description & RBC: Part 1 | Regulation of Cardiac Activity |
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Read the following statements 
a. Adult human RBCs are enucleated and biconcave in shape 
b. The opening between the right atrium and the right ventricle is guarded by mitral valve 
c. The duration of a cardiac cycle is 0.8 seconds under normal physiological conditions in an adult human 
d. The hepatic portal vein carries blood from intestine into liver before it is delivered to the heart 
How many of the given statements are incorrect? 
1. Four 
2. Two 
3. One 
4. Three 
Subtopic:  Human Heart: Double Circulation |
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Please attempt this question first.

Read the given statements and select the correct option.
Statement A: Human heart is protected by a triple walled membranous bag, pericardium, enclosing the pericardial fluid.
Statement B: Leucocytes are enucleated and relatively lesser in number which average 6000- 8000 mm-3 of blood 
1. Both statements A and B are correct
2. Both statements A and B are incorrect
3. Only statement A is correct
4. Only statement B is correct
Subtopic:  Human Heart: Gross Anatomy |
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Please attempt this question first.

Match the blood groups in column I with their antibodies present in plasma in column II and select the correct option: 
Column I Column II
(i) A (a) Anti-B
(ii) AB (b) Anti-A
(iii) O (c) Nil 
(iv) B (d) Anti-A, B

1. (i)-(a), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(d)
2. (i)-(a), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(d), (iv)-(b)
3. (i)-(b), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(d), (iv)-(a)
4. (i)-(a), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(b)
Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group |
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Please attempt this question first.


Match column-I with column-II and select the correct option: 
Column-I Column-II
(a) Monocytes (i) Non-nucleated cell fragments 
(b) Eosinophils (ii) Bilobed nucleus
(c) Neutrophils (iii) Nucleus is bean-shaped 
(d) Platelets (iv) Many lobed nucleus 

1. a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i)
2. a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)
3. a(iii), b(ii), c(i), d(iv)
4. a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i)
Subtopic:  Blood: White Blood Cells |
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Please attempt this question first.

Read the given statements and choose the correct option 
Statement X: There is reduction in the size of T-wave in coronary ischemia 
Statement Y: A thick wall of fibrous tissue called inter-atrial septum separates the right and the left atria
1. Both statements X and Y are incorrect 
2. Both statements X and Y are correct 
3. Only statement X is correct 
4. Only statement Y is correct
Subtopic:  ECG & Coronary Artery Disease |
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Consider the following statements and select the option that correctly states them as true(T) or false(F).
a. The human heart normally beats 70-75 times in a minute.
b. A healthy human breathes 12-16 times/minute, on an average.
c. On an average, 1000 mL - 1200 mL of blood is filtered by each kidney per minute.
d. About 30 percent of starch is hydrolysed into lactose by salivary amylase.
   a   b  c  d
1. T  T  T  T
2. T  T  F  F
3. F  F  T  T
4. F  T  T  F
Subtopic:  Human Heart: Gross Anatomy |
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Please attempt this question first.


Match the type of WBC in column-I with its percent composition in total WBCs (column-II) and the shape of its nucleus in column-III. Choose the correct option.
Column-I Column-II Column -III
a. Eosinophils i. 60%-65% p. Large, rounded
b. Neutrophils ii. 0.5%-1% q. Bilobed
c. Lymphocytes iii. 2%-3% r. Many lobed
iv. 20% - 25% s. Bean shaped 
1. a-iii-q, b-i-r, c-iv-p
2. a-i-r, b-iv-s, c-ii-q
3. a-iii-s, b-i-p, c-iv-q
4. a-ii-q, b-iii-p, c-ii-s
Subtopic:  Blood: White Blood Cells |
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Please attempt this question first.