Regarding the genetic material in prokaryotes:
I: The main chromosomal DNA is linear
II: Plasmid DNA is circular
1. Only I is correct
2. Only II is correct
3. Both I and II are correct
4. Both I and II are incorrect

Subtopic:  Details of Prokaryotic Cell Structure |
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Resistance to an antibiotic is the character conferred to bacterial cell by:
1. Peptidoglycan cell wall 2. Main chromosomal DNA
3. Plasmid DNA 4. Satellite DNA
Subtopic:  Prokaryotic Cell Organisation |
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Please attempt this question first.

Reserve material in prokaryotic cells is stored in the cytoplasm in the form of:
1. inclusion bodies 2. carboxysomes
3. magnetosomes 4. chromatophores
Subtopic:  Ribosome and Inclusion Bodies |
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Plant and animal cells are different. Identify the correct difference:
I: Plant cells possess cell walls, plastids and a large central vacuole which are absent in animal cells.
II: Animal cells have centrioles which are absent in almost all plant cells.
1. Only I is correct
2. Only II is correct
3. Both I and II are correct
4. Both I and II are incorrect
Subtopic:  Eukaryotic Cell Orgenelle |
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Please attempt this question first.

Sodium ions will be transported to the outside of the cell and potassium ions to the inside of the cell by:
1. simple diffusion 2. facilitated diffusion
3. osmosis 4. active transport
Subtopic:  Cell Membrane |
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Please attempt this question first.

How many of the given statements regarding cell wall are true?
I: A non-living rigid structure called the cell wall forms an outer covering for the plasma membrane of fungi and plants.
II: Cell wall not only gives shape to the cell and protects the cell from mechanical damage and infection, it also helps in cell-to-cell interaction and provides barrier to undesirable macromolecules.
III: Algae have cell wall, made of cellulose, galactans, mannans and minerals like calcium carbonate, while in other plants it consists of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins and proteins.
IV: The cell wall of a young plant cell, the primary wall is capable of growth.
V: The secondary wall is formed on the outer (towards middle lamella) side of the cell.
1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
Subtopic:  Cell Wall |
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The endomembrane system of a typical eukaryotic cell includes all the following except:
1. Lysosomes 2. Golgi Apparatus
3. Vacuole 4. Mitochondria
Subtopic:  Endomembrane System |
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An elaborate network of filamentous proteinaceous structures consisting of microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments present in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells is collectively referred to as the:
1. cytoskeleton 2. MTOC
3. Contractile elements 4. vimentin
Subtopic:  Cytoskeleton |
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Please attempt this question first.

Identify the incorrect statement:
1. Centrosome is an organelle usually containing two cylindrical structures called centrioles.
2. Both the centrioles in a centrosome lie parallel to each other in which each
has an organisation like the cartwheel.
3. Centrioles are made up of nine evenly spaced peripheral fibrils of tubulin protein
where each of the peripheral fibril is a triplet.
4. The central part of the proximal region of the centriole is also proteinaceous and called the hub.
Subtopic:  Centrosomes |
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Consider the given two statements:
Statement I: The outer nuclear membrane usually remains continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum and also bears ribosomes on it.
Statement II: Nuclear pores are the passages through which movement of RNA from nucleus to the cytoplasm and protein molecules from the cytoplasm to the nucleus takes place.
1. Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct
2. Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect
3. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct
4. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is incorrect
Subtopic:  Nucleus |
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