The molecules in the acid insoluble fraction of a cell:
1. have molecular weights ranging from 18 to around 800 daltons (Da) approximately.
2. include lipids.
3. are all polymeric substances.
4. correspond to the cytoplasm of a typical cell.

Subtopic:  Element Analysis |
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Which of the following is a heteropolymer?
1. starch 2. collagen
3. cellulose 4. glycogen
Subtopic:  Introduction to Proteins | Zwitter ion & Peptide Bond | Structural Organisation of Proteins |
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Please attempt this question first.

Consider the given two statements:
Assertion: The starch-I2 is blue in colour.
Reason: Starch forms helical secondary structures and can hold I2 molecules in the helical portion.
1. (A) is True but (R) is False.
2. Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
3. (A) is False but (R) is True.
4. Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Subtopic:  Carbohydrates: Starch & Glycogen |
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Consider the two statements:
I: In a polypeptide or a protein, amino acids are linked by a peptide bond.
II: In a polysaccharide, the individual monosaccharides are linked by a glycosidic bond.
1. Only I is correct
2. Only II is correct
3. Both I and II are correct
4. Both I and II are incorrect
Subtopic:  Proteins | Zwitter ion & Peptide Bond | Carbohydrates: Glycosidic Bond & Disaccharide |
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Please attempt this question first.

Like a protein, an enzyme, almost always:
I: has a primary structure
II: has the secondary and the tertiary structure
1. Only I is correct
2. Only II is correct
3. Both I and II are correct
4. Both I and II are incorrect
Subtopic:  Enzyme Introduction | Introduction to Proteins | Structural Organisation of Proteins |
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Please attempt this question first.

A crevice or pocket into which the substrate fits forms the:
1. tertiary structure of an enzyme.
2. active site of an enzyme.
3. tertiary structure of an enzyme.
4. allosteric site on an enzyme.
Subtopic:  Mechanism of Enzymes | Enzyme Introduction |
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Rate of a physical or chemical process:
I: refers to the amount of product formed per unit time.
II: can also be called velocity if the direction is specified.
1. Only I is correct
2. Only II is correct
3. Both I and II are correct
4. Both I and II are incorrect
Subtopic:  Properties of Enzymes | Mechanism of Enzymes | Enzyme Introduction |
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An enzyme catalysed biochemical reaction in a living organism is being carried out at a certain rate at 20°C. If the temperature is raised to 30°C, it is generally expected that the rate:
1. will double
2. will decrease by half
3. will remain the same
4. will become zero and the reaction will stop
Subtopic:  Mechanism of Enzymes | Enzyme Introduction |
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Consider the two statements:
Assertion (A): Enzyme-catalyzed reactions proceed at rates vastly higher than that of uncatalyzed ones.
Reason: Enzymes require an optimum temperature and an optimum pH to work efficiently.
1. (A) is True but (R) is False.
2. Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
3. (A) is False but (R) is True.
4. Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Subtopic:  Enzymes | Enzyme Catalysis | Factors Affecting Enzyme Catalysis Reaction |
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For an enzyme catalysed metabolic reaction:
I: the formation of an ‘ES’ complex is not obligatory.
II: ‘ES’ complex formation is a transient phenomenon.
1. Only I is correct
2. Only II is correct
3. Both I and II are correct
4. Both I and II are incorrect
Subtopic:  Enzyme Cofactors | Properties of Enzymes | Mechanism of Enzymes | Enzyme Introduction |
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Please attempt this question first.