Over-secretion of GH:
I: in childhood leads to gigantism.
II: in adults especially in middle age can result in severe disfigurement (especially of the face) called Acromegaly.
1. Both I and II are correct
2. Both I and II are incorrect
3. I is correct, II is incorrect
4. I is incorrect, II is correct

Subtopic:  Adenohypophysis & Hypothalamus | Human Growth Hormone |
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Please attempt this question first.

How many of the given statements are correct?
I: In males, LH stimulates the synthesis and secretion of hormones called androgens from testis.
II: In males, FSH and androgens regulate spermatogenesis.
III: In females, LH induces ovulation of fully mature follicles (graafian follicles) and maintains the corpus luteum, formed from the remnants of the graafian follicles after ovulation.
IV: FSH stimulates growth and development of the ovarian follicles in females.
1. 1 2. 2
3. 3 4. 4
Subtopic:  Gonadotropin & Gonadal Hormones |
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Please attempt this question first.

I: in females, stimulates a vigorous contraction of uterus at the time of child birth.
II: is a steroidal hormone.
III: causes milk ejection from the mammary gland.
1. Only I and II are correct
2. Only I and III are correct
3. Only II and III are correct
4. I, II and III are correct
Subtopic:  Human Growth Hormone | Prolactin & Posterior Pituitary |
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Please attempt this question first.


Consider the given two statements:
Assertion (A): An impairment affecting synthesis or release of ADH results in a diminished ability of the kidney to conserve water leading to water loss and dehydration.
Reason (R): Vasopressin acts mainly at the kidney and stimulates resorption of water and electrolytes by the distal tubules.
1. (A) is True; (R) is False
2. Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) does not correctly explain (A)
3. Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) correctly explains (A)
4. (A) is False; (R) is True
Subtopic:  Adrenal Medulla | Adrenal Cortex: Aldosterone |
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Please attempt this question first.

Pineal secretes a hormone called:
1. melanin, a derivative of tyrosine.
2. melatonin, a derivative of tryptophan
3. MSH, a peptide hormone
4. MDPA, a steroid
Subtopic:  Pineal Gland |
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Please attempt this question first.

I: plays a very important role in the regulation of a 24-hour (diurnal) rhythm of our body.
II: influences metabolism, pigmentation, the menstrual cycle as well as our defense capability.
1. Both I and II are correct
2. Both I and II are incorrect
3. I is correct, II is incorrect
4. I is incorrect, II is correct
Subtopic:  Adenohypophysis & Hypothalamus | Human Growth Hormone | Prolactin & Posterior Pituitary |
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Please attempt this question first.


The thyroid gland:
I: is composed of two lobes interconnected with a thin flap of connective tissue called isthmus.
II: is composed of follicles and stromal tissues.
III: is located in the mediastinum, ventral to aorta.
1. Only I and II are correct
2. Only I and III are correct
3. Only II and III are correct
4. I, II and III are correct
Subtopic:  Thyroid Gland Part I | Thyroid Gland Part II |
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Please attempt this question first.

Consider the given statements:
Statement I: Thyroid follicular cells synthesise three hormones: thyroxine, triiodothyronine and thyrocalcitonin.
Statement II: Iodine is essential for the normal rate of hormone synthesis in the thyroid.
1. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct
2. Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect
3. Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct
4. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is incorrect
Subtopic:  Thyroid Gland Part I |
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Please attempt this question first.

Exophthalmic goitre is a form of:
1. Hyperparathyroidism
2. Hyperthyroidism
3. Hypercortisolism
4. Hyperadrenalism
Subtopic:  Thyroid Gland Part I | Thyroid Gland Part II |
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Please attempt this question first.


 How many of the given statements are correct:
I: Thyroid hormones play an important role in the regulation of the basal metabolic rate.
II: Thyroid hormones are most important factors that affect the process of red blood cell formation.
III: Thyroid hormones control the metabolism of carbohydrates but not of proteins and fats.
IV: Maintenance of water and electrolyte balance is also influenced by thyroid hormones.
1. 1 2. 2
3. 3 4. 4
Subtopic:  Thyroid Gland Part I | Thyroid Gland Part II |
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Please attempt this question first.