In humans:
1. four parathyroid glands are present on the back side of the thyroid gland, one pair each in the two lobes of the thyroid gland.
2. four parathyroid glands are present on the front side of the thyroid gland, one pair each in the two lobes of the thyroid gland.
3. two parathyroid glands are present on the back side of the thyroid gland, one each in the two lobes of the thyroid gland.
4. two parathyroid glands are present on the front side of the thyroid gland, one each in the two lobes of the thyroid gland.

Subtopic:  Parathyroid |
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PTH is a hypercalcemic hormone. Which of the following statements will explain this function of PTH?
I: PTH acts on bones and stimulates the process of bone resorption (dissolution/demineralisation).
II: PTH stimulates reabsorption of Ca2+ by the renal tubules
III: PTH increases Ca2+ absorption from the digested food
1. Only I and II 2. Only I and III
3. Only II and III 4. I, II and III
Subtopic:  Parathyroid |
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Consider the given two statements:
Assertion (A): The immune responses of old persons become weak.
Reason (R): Thymus is degenerated in old individuals resulting in a decreased production of thymosins.
1. (A) is True but (R) is False.
2. Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
3. Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
4. (A) is False but (R) is True.
Subtopic:  Thymus |
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Adrenaline and noradrenaline are commonly called as:
1. Sterols 2. Catecholamines
3. Hopanoids 4. Terpenes
Subtopic:  Adrenal Medulla |
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Consider the two statements:
Assertion(A): Adrenaline and noradrenaline are called emergency hormones or hormones of Fight or Flight.
Reason(R): Adrenaline and noradrenaline are monoamine neurotransmitters.
1. (A) is True; (R) is False
2. Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) does not correctly explain (A)
3. Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) correctly explains (A)
4. (A) is False; (R) is True
Subtopic:  Adenohypophysis & Hypothalamus | Adrenal Medulla |
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Adrenaline and noradrenaline:
I: increase alertness
II: dilate pupil
III: cause piloerection (raising of hairs)
1. Only I and II are correct
2. Only I and III are correct
3. Only II and III are correct
4. I, II and III are correct
Subtopic:  Adrenal Medulla |
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How many of the following will be the functions of adrenaline and noradrenaline?
I: increase in heart rate
II: decrease in the strength of heart contraction
III: increase in the rate of respiration
IV: glycogenolysis
V: breakdown of lipids and proteins
1. 2 2. 3
3. 4 4. 5
Subtopic:  Adrenal Medulla |
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Which of the following produces anti-inflammatory reactions and suppresses the immune response?
1. Thyroxine 2. Thymosin
3. Cortisol 4. Aldosterone
Subtopic:  Adrenal Cortex: Cortisol |
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1. acts mainly at the renal tubules and stimulates the excretion of Na+ and water and reabsorption of K+ and phosphate ions.
2. acts mainly at the renal tubules and stimulates the reabsorption of Na+ and water and excretion of K+ and phosphate ions.
3. acts mainly at the collecting duct and stimulates the excretion of Na+ and water and reabsorption of K+ and phosphate ions.
4. acts mainly at the collecting duct and stimulates the reabsorption of Na+ and water and excretion of K+ and phosphate ions.
Subtopic:  Adrenal Medulla | Adrenal Cortex: Aldosterone |
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Identify the incorrect statement regarding pancreas:
1. It is a composite gland which acts as both exocrine and endocrine gland.
2. The endocrine pancreas consists of ‘Islets of Langerhans’.
3. There are about 1 to 2 million Islets of Langerhans in a normal human pancreas representing 90 percent of the pancreatic tissue.
4. It is an organ of the digestive system and endocrine system of vertebrates.
Subtopic:  Pancreas |
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