In fungi, asexual reproduction takes place by

1. Fission, conidia and ascospores

2. Conidia, hypnospores and zoospores

3. Conidia, sporangiospores and zoospores

4. Sporangiospores, conidia and basidiospores

Subtopic:  Kingdom Fungi: Introduction |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Select the incorrect statement with respect to fungi

1. Mycelium is consist of long slender thread like structures called hyphae
2. Aseptate and multinucleate hyphae is called coenocytic hyphae
3. Dolipore septum is characteristic of class ascomycetes.
4. The cell wall is composed of chitin and polysaccharides
Subtopic:  Kingdom Fungi: Ascomycetes |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Which of the following statement is correct for Deuteromycetes?

1. A large number of them are decomposers of litter, but do not help in mineral cycling
2. Mycelium is septate and branched
3. They may have three names, one for vegetative stage and two for asexual stage
4. Common asexual spore is oidia
Subtopic:  Kingdom Fungi: Deuteromycetes |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Choose the correct option for the given below figures.

1. Peritrichous bacteria

2. They do not contain both RNA and DNA

3. Presence of non-cellulosic cell wall

4. Presence of cyclosis

Subtopic:  Kingdom Monera: Bacterial Cell Structure | Kingdom Monera: Bacterial Classification |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

In five-kingdom classification, unicellular green algae are included in the kingdom

(1) Metaphyta

(2) Protista

(3) Monera

(4) Metazoa

Subtopic:  Different Classification Systems |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Cells in some filamentous cynobacteria that are speciallized for nitrogen fixation are called:

1. Phycobilisomes

2. Chromatophores

3. Grana

4. Heterocysts

Subtopic:  Kingdom Monera: Blue Green Algae |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Heterocyst in blue-green algae

1. Lacks photosystem- I

2. Are specialised cells for photosynthesis

3. May perform reproduction

4. Performs nitrogen fixation in anaerobic condition

Subtopic:  Kingdom Monera: Blue Green Algae |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Members of the chrysophytes

1. Are macroscopic planktons

2. Are present in freshwater as well as in marine water

3. Have stiff cellulose plates on the outer surface

4. Cause PSP in human beings

Subtopic:  Kingdom Protista: Chrysophytes |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria

1. Play a great role in recycling nutrients

2. Oxidises various organic substance

3. Release O2 due to involvement of OEC

4. Are most abundant in nature

Subtopic:  Kingdom Monera: Bacterial Classification |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Five kingdom system of classification suggested by R.H. Whittaker is not based on:
1. Presence or absence of a well defined nucleus
2. Mode of reproduction
3. Mode of nutrition.
4. Complexity of body organization

Subtopic:  Different Classification Systems |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch