Which was absent in the atmosphere at the time of origin of life?
1. NH3
2. H2
3. O2
4. CH4
Which of the following is true regarding early earth?
1. Earth was supposed to have been formed about 4.5 billion years back.
2. The atmosphere of early earth was full of water vapour.
3. The surface of earth was covered by water vapour, methane and carbondioxide, the three compounds, formed from molten mass.
4. The UV rays from the sun broke up water into hydrogen and oxygen and lighter oxygen escaped.
Oparin of…… and Haldane of ….. proposed that the first form of life could have come from pre existing …………
(1) Russia, England, non-living inorganic molecules
(2) England, Russia, living organic matter
(3) Russia, England, non-living organic molecules
(4) England, Russia, life
For the stability of the organic compounds, Oparin opined that probably:
1. UV radiation never reached the surface of the primeval Earth
2. the primitive Earth was in a molten state
3. the primitive Earth atmosphere was reducing rather than oxidizing
4. plenty of energy sources were available for chemical reactions to occur
After about how many years of the formation of the earth, life appeared on this planet?
1. 500 billion years
2. 50 million years
3. 500 million years
4. 50 billion years
In present times, the origin of life is not possible from inorganic compounds due to:
1. Non-availability of raw material
2. High concentration of O2 in the atmosphere
3. Decrease in temperature
4. Excess of pollution
1. | Creation of life from dead and decaying matter |
2. | Creation of life from chemicals |
3. | Origin of sperm in human testes |
4. | Transfer of spores as a unit of life from other planets of Earth |
The first form of life were not
(1) Single cells
(2) in water environment only
(3) originated till about 2000 million years ago
(4) Both A and B
Evolution by __‘a’__ in a true sense would have started
when cellular forms of life with differences in metabolic
capability originated on earth. Here ‘a’ is
1. Mutation
2. Natural selection
3. Genetic drift
4. Special creation
The mechanism of non cellular aggregates of giant macromolecules to cell with membranous envelop is
(1) Natural selection
(2) Not known
(3) Mutation
(4) Recombination