Diversity can be understood by which of the following terminology?
(1) Heterogeneity
(2) Homogeneity
(3) Homozygosity
(4) Heterotrophic
The term Biodiversity which was used by Edward Wilson was actually used
1. To describe Genetic Diversity
2. To describe species Diversity
3. To describe Ecological Diversity
4. To describe combined diversity at all levels
Which one of the following expanded forms of the following acronyms is correct?
1. UNEP - United Nations Environmental Policy
2. EPA - Environmental Pollution Agency
3. IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
4. IPCC - International Panel for Climate change
Which one of the following shows maximum genetic diversity in India?
1. Rice
2. Maize
3. Mango
4. Groundnut
Which one of the following has maximum genetic diversity in India?
1. Teak
2. Mango
3. Wheat
4. Tea
Select the correct statement about biodiversity.
1. | The desert area of Rajasthan and Gujarat have a very high level of desert animals. |
2. | Large scale planting of Bt cotton has no adverse effect on biodiversity |
3. | Western Ghats have a very high degree of species richness and endemism |
4. | Conservation of biodiversity is just a fad pursued by the developed countries. |
Different varieties of Indian mangoes are most popular in Western and some other European countries. The varieties with different flavour, colour, sugar and fleshy content is due to
(1) genetic diversity
(2) species diversity
(3) induced mutation
(4) hybridisation
IUCN stands for
(1) Indian Union for Conservation of Nature
(2) International Union for Conservation of Nature
(3) Indian Union for Chemical Nomenclature
(4) International Union for Conservation of Nutrients
Genetic Diversity is not
1.India has more than 50000 genetically different strains of rice
2.India has 10000 varieties of mango
3.A single species might show high diversity at the genetic level over it's distributional range
4.Genetically diverse plant Rawolfia vomitoria is found in Himalayan ranges
Which of the following is wrong with respect to Rawolfia vomitoria?
(1) Found in Himalayan ranges
(2) Medicinal plant
(3) Species Diversity is in terms of potency and concentration of reserpine
(4) Reserpine is an active chemical produced by this plant