Assertion (A): In plant tissue culture, somatic embryos can be induced from any plant cell.
Reason (R): Any viable plant cell can differentiate into somatic embryos.
1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) 
2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 
3. (A) is true, (R) is false 
4. (A) is false, (R) is true 
  1. If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion
  2. If both the assertion and reason are true but the reason is not a correct explanation of the assertion
  3. If the assertion is true but the reason is false
  4. If both the assertion and reason are false
Subtopic:  Plant Tissue Culture |
Please attempt this question first.
Please attempt this question first.

A: Sterlisation technique is a modern method of biological pest control.
R:  In this technique, atmosphere is sterilized with the help of irradiations

In the following questions a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R).
1.  If both Assertion & Reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion, then mark (1)
2.  If both Assertion & Reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion, then mark (2)
3.  If Assertion is true statement but Reason is false, then mark (3)
4.  If both Assertion and Reason are false statements, then mark (4)
  1. If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion
  2. If both the assertion and reason are true but the reason is not a correct explanation of the assertion
  3. If the assertion is true but the reason is false
  4. If both the assertion and reason are false
Subtopic:  Insect & Pest Resistance (OLD NCERT) |
Please attempt this question first.