Acid hydrolases are found in a single membrane bound organelle called:

1. Glyoxysome 2. Lysosome
3. Peroxisome 4. Ribosome

Subtopic:  Endomembrane System (Lysosomes) |

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A single membrane, tonoplast, binds the:

1. Inclusion bodies 2. Polysomes
3. Vacuoles 4. Lysosomes
Subtopic:  Vacuole |

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Which of the following organelles in a eukaryotic cell can only be seen after staining with vital dye?

1. Mitochondria 2. Chloroplasts
3. Nucleus 4. Endoplasmic reticulum
Subtopic:  Mitochondria |

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All the following are located in the mitochondrial matrix except:

1. Single circular DNA molecule
2. Proteins of electron transport chain
3. 70 S ribosomes
4. Enzymes of Kreb’s cycle

Subtopic:  Mitochondria |

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The types of plastids that store oils and fats are:

1. Leucoplasts 2. Amyloplasts
3. Elaioplasts 4. Aleuroplasts
Subtopic:  Endomembrane System |

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Identify the incorrect statement regarding chloroplasts:

1. They are double membrane bound organelles
2. Inner chloroplast membrane is relatively more permeable
3. Chlorophyll pigments are present in the thylakoids
4. Stroma contains enzymes required for synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins
Subtopic:  Endomembrane System |

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Identify the incorrect statement regarding nucleolus:

1. Their content is continuous with nucleoplasm
2. It is site for active rRNA synthesis
3. Their number is always one per nucleus
4. Larger nucleoli are present in cells actively carrying out protein synthesis
Subtopic:  Nucleus: Chromosomes |

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Nucleoprotein fibers in the interphase nucleus called chromatin contain all the following except:

1. DNA 2. Basic histones
3. RNA 4. Acidic histones
Subtopic:  Centrosomes |

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When the centromere in a chromosome is located close to its end, the chromosome is called as:

1. Metacentric 2. Sub-metacentric
3. Acrocentric 4. Telocentric
Subtopic:  Nucleus: Chromosomes |

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The number of correct statements amongst the given statements would be:

I: The outer nuclear membrane is usually continuous with ER and also bears ribosomes
II: Nuclear pores allow movement of RNA and proteins in both directions between nucleus and cytoplasm
III: Satellite chromosomes have non-staining secondary constrictions at constant locations
IV: Microbodies are membrane bound vesicles containing various enzymes and are present in both plant and animal cells

1. 1 2. 2
3. 3 4. 4
Subtopic:  Nucleus | Ribosome and Inclusion Bodies |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.