A metallic bar of Young's modulus \(0.5 \times 10^{11}~\text{Nm}^{-2},\)  coefficient of linear thermal expansion \(10^{-5} ~^{\circ}\text{C}^{-1},\) length \(1~\text m\) and cross-sectional area \(10^{-3} ~\text{m}^2\) is heated from \(0^\circ \text{C}\) to \(100^\circ \text C\) without expansion or bending. The compressive force developed in the metallic bar is: 
1. \(50 \times 10^3~ \text N\)
2. \(100 \times 10^3 ~\text N\)
3. \(2 \times 10^3~\text N\)
4. \(5 \times 10^3 ~\text N\)

Subtopic:  Thermal Stress |
NEET - 2024
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A parallel plate capacitor is charged by connecting it to a battery through a resistor. If \(i\) is the current in the circuit, then in the gap between the plates:
1. displacement current of magnitude equal to \(i\) flows in the same direction as \(i\).
2. displacement current of magnitude equal to \(i\) flows in a direction opposite to that of \(i\).
3. displacement current of magnitude greater than \(i\) flows but can be in any direction.
4. there is no current.
Subtopic:  Displacement Current |
NEET - 2024
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Choose the correct circuit which can achieve the bridge balance :
1. 2.
3. 4.
Subtopic:  PN junction |
NEET - 2024
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A sheet is placed on a horizontal surface in front of a strong magnetic pole. A force is needed to:
\(\mathrm A.\) hold the sheet there if it is magnetic.
\(\mathrm B.\) hold the sheet there if it is non-magnetic.
\(\mathrm C.\) move the sheet away from the pole with uniform velocity if it is conducting.
\(\mathrm D.\) move the sheet away from the pole with uniform velocity if it is both, non-conducting and non-polar.
Choose the correct statement\((\mathrm s )\) from the options given below:
1. \(\mathrm A\) and \(\mathrm C\) only
2. \(\mathrm A\), \(\mathrm C\) and \(\mathrm D\) only
3. \(\mathrm C\) only
4. \(\mathrm B\) and \(\mathrm D\) only
Subtopic:  Faraday's Law & Lenz Law |
NEET - 2024
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Please attempt this question first.

If the plates of a parallel plate capacitor connected to a battery are moved close to each other, then:
\(\mathrm A.\) the charge stored in it, increases.
\(\mathrm B.\) the energy stored in it, decreases.
\(\mathrm C.\) its capacitance increases.
\(\mathrm D.\) the ratio of charge to its potential remains the same.
\(\mathrm E.\) the product of charge and voltage increases.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
1. \(\mathrm {A,C}\) and \(\mathrm E\) only
2. \(\mathrm {B,D }\) and \(\mathrm E\) only
3. \(\mathrm{A,B}\) and \(\mathrm C\) only
4. \(\mathrm{A,B}\) and \(\mathrm E\) only
Subtopic:  Energy stored in Capacitor |
NEET - 2024
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The following graph represents the \(T\text -V\) curves of an ideal gas (where \(T\) is the temperature and \(V\) the volume) at three pressures \(P_1, P_2\) and \(P_3\) compared with those of Charles's law represented as dotted lines.
Then the correct relation is :
1. \(P_1>P_3>P_2 \) 2. \(P_2>P_1>P_3 \)
3. \( P_1>P_2>P_3\) 4. \(P_3 > P_2>P_1\)
Subtopic:  Ideal Gas Equation |
NEET - 2024
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The property which is not of an electromagnetic wave travelling in free space is that:
1. the energy density in electric field is equal to energy density in magnetic field.
2. they travel with a speed equal to \(\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{\mu_0~ \varepsilon_0}} .\)
3. they originate from charges moving with uniform speed.
4. they are transverse in nature.
Subtopic:  Properties of EM Waves |
NEET - 2024
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An iron bar of length \(\mathrm L\) has magnetic moment \(\mathrm M.\) It is bent at the middle of its length such that the two arms make an angle \(60^\circ\) with each other. The magnetic moment of this new magnet is:
1. \( \mathrm M \over 2\)
2. \( \mathrm {2 M}\)
3. \(\)\(\frac{\mathrm{M}}{\sqrt{3}}\)
4. \(\mathrm M\)
Subtopic:  Bar Magnet |
NEET - 2024
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Please attempt this question first.

If the mass of the bob in a simple pendulum is increased to thrice its original mass and its length is made half its original length, then the new time period of oscillation is \( \dfrac{x}{2}\) times its original time period. Then the value of \(x\) is:
1. \(\sqrt2\)
2. \(2\sqrt3\)
3. \(4\)
4. \(\sqrt3\)
Subtopic:  Angular SHM |
NEET - 2024
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The reagents with which glucose does not reason to give the corresponding test/products are: 
A. Tollen's reagent
B. Schiff's reagent
C. \(\text{HCN}\)
D. \(\text{NH}_2\text{OH}\)
E. \(\text{NaHSO}_3\)
Choose the correct options from the given below:-
1. \(\text{A}\) and \(\text{D}\) 2. \(\text{B}\) and \(\text{E}\)
3. \(\text{E}\) and \(\text{D}\) 4. \(\text{B}\) and \(\text{C}\)
Subtopic:  Carbohydrates - Classification & D-L configuration |
NEET - 2024
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