What is a good fuel?
If you could use any source of energy for heating your food, which one would you use and why?
why are we looking at an alternative sources of energy?
How has the traditional use of wind and water energy been modified for our convenience?
What kind of mirror-concave, convex or plane would be best suited for use in a solar cooker? why.
What are the limitations of the energy that can be obtained from the oceans?
What is geothermal energy?
what are the advantages of nuclear energy?
Can any source of energy be pollution-free? Why or why not?
Hydrogen has been used as rocket fuel. Would you consider it a cleaner fuel than CNG? Why or why not?
Name any two energy sources that you would consider to be renewable. Give reasons for your choice.
Give the names of two energy sources that you would consider to be exhaustible. Give reasons for your choice.
A solar water heater cannot be used to get hot water on
1. a sunny day
2. a cloudy day
3. a hot day
4. a windy day
Which of the following is not an example of a bio-mass energy source?
1. Wood
2. Gobar gas
3. Nuclear energy
4. Coal
Most of the sources energy we use represent stored solar energy. Which of the following is not ultimately derived from the sun's energy?
1. Geothermal energy
2. wind energy
3. Nuclear energy
4. Bio-mass
Compare the contrast fossil fuels and the sun as direct source of energy.
Compare and contrast bio-mass and hydroelectricity as sources of energy.
On what basis would you classify energy sources as
1. renewable and non-renewable?
2. exhaustible and non-exhaustible?
What are the qualities of an ideal source of energy?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a solar cooker? Are there places, where solar cookers would have limited utility?
What are the environmental consequences of the increasing demand for energy? What steps would you suggest to reduce energy consumption?
Name any two conventional sources of energy.
Explain, how does burning of fossil fuels cause water pollution?
What energy transformations occur in a hydro power plant?
Why are thermal power plants set up near coal or oil fields?
The cost of production of electricity in a thermal power station located in Bihar/ Jharkhand/ Odhisha is lesser than in Gujarat/ Maharashtra. Do you agree? Justify your answer.
In a hydroelectric power plant more electrical power can be generated, if water falls from a greater height. Why?
Name two dams whose construction was opposed by local people.
Which gas is formed by decomposing plant and animal matter in marshy areas?
How is the slurry left in a bio-gas plant in the end used?
Name two activites in our daily lives in which solar energy is used.
List two practical uses of biogas in rural areas.
Windmill is used to produce electricity. Write the sequence of energy conversion in a windmill.
Name the kind of energy possessed by wind and the device used to harness it.
How wind currents are created in the atmosphere?
Which part of the solar cooker is responsible for greenhouse effect?
Why is a car parked in the sun with windows closed found to be hotter inside than outside?
Mention the purpose of blackening the interior of a solar cooker.
solar cells are used to provide the electric current to charge car batteries driven by an electric motor. What are the energy changes which takes place?
Name two forms of energy in which solar energy manifests itself in oceans.
Mention the minimum temperature difference required between surface water and the water at depths of upto 2 km in an ocean thermal energy plant.
What are the causes of ocean thermal energy?
Write the drawback of energy obtained from fusion.
Firewood is a conventional fuel. List any four reasons for replacing it with alternative sources of energy.
How does the construction of dams across the river get linked with the production of greenhouse gases?
List two ways in which animal dung is used as a fuel and compare both the ways.
How do technological inputs improve the efficiency of bio-mass fuel?
How is wood charcoal made? Write one advantage of using charcoal over wood as a domestic fuel.
How does the burning of fossil fuel causes air and soil pollution?
Expand OTEC. On what principle is it based?
What is a nuclear waste? What are the hazards of nuclear waste to living things?
Name the type of reaction in the sun which produces its energy. List two conditions which are present at the centre of sun responsible for this reaction.
List the cause of increasing energy requirements.
Why is their a need to harness non-conventional sources of energy? Give two main reasons?
Though wood is a renewable source of energy but the use of wood as a fuel is not a wise decision. Explain.
It is an advantage to convert bio-mass into a bio-gas rather than burning bio-mass directly? Why?
A student has set up a solar cooker in a box by using a black painted aluminium sheet, a black cooking vessel, some glass wool, a glass sheet and a mirror plate. What is the role of each items used in the solar cooker?
Why is tidal energy not exploited on a commercial scale?
Increasing demand of fossil fuels has caused harm to our environments. List its three ill effects. Suggests three measures to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels.
Name the places of our country, where fields of natural gas are found. Why is it called a clean fuel? Give two reasons.
Why is there so much emphasis on changing over from petrol/diesel driven automobiles to CNG driven vehicles?
Electricity generated at hydroelectric power stations is considered to be another form of solar energy. Explain.
State the main differences between thermal power and hydro power plant based on electricity generation. Name two dam projects which were opposed due to the problems of rehabilitation of displaced people, damage to the ecosystem, etc.
Bio-gas is considered to be a boon to the farmers. give reasons.
Compare the advantages of generating energy from bio-mass than getting it from hydro power plant?
Solar energy can be harnessed directly as well as indirectly. Give two examples of each type.
Write two different ways of harnessing energy from ocean.
If energy in the universe is constant, then why is the world yelling out of energy crisis? What does judicious use of energy imply?
Define the process of nuclear fission. Write the steps involved in generating electricity in a nuclear reactor.
what are the environmental consequences of using fossil fuels? Suggest the steps to minimize the pollution caused by various sources of energy including.
non-conventional sources of energy causing global warming?
Energy from various sources is considered to have been derived from the Sun. Do you agree? Justify your answer.
The Government of Delhi and Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) have cinverted passanger buses into CNG based vehicles. Give reasons for such a decision. Is CNG an ideal fuel according to you? Comment.
Reena's father works with a company that builds dams. Once he took her to the site, where a dam was being build. Reena saw a group of people sitting there and shouting slogans against he building of dam. She talked to the group of people and askes them about their problems and then discussed it with her father.
She, then tried to convince people to talk with the authorities and come to an amicable solutin. the discussion was successful. Reen's father was very proud os his daughter. Now, answer the following questions:
1. Why was Reena's father proud of his daughter?
2. Why was the group of people protesting against the building of dam?
3. Reena's contribution to the peaceful resolution of the conflict proved a boon for many citizens of the country. How?
Radheshyam is a prosperous farmer. He happily ensures that the cow-dung and other biological wastes in his home are sent to the nearby bio-gas plant of the village. He receives subcidised fuel for home and manure for his crops from there and his field shows good output.
Maniram is surprised that despite using expensive fertilisers, his output barely matches that of Radheshyam. However, he never goes and discusses it with Radheshyam.
Read the above passage and answer the following questions:
1. How does Radheshyam get manure from the bio-gas plant?
2. Throw light on values of Radheshyam.
3. What values are shown by Maniram?
There was a poster making competition in a school on the topic "SAVE ENERGY". The students were also asked to give write upon this topic. A student of the class is unable to make the write upon this topic.
1. Suggest him two steps to "SAVE ENERGY"?
2. Mention the value which the school is trying to imbibe in his students by holding such a competition.