Ethyl bromide reacts with lead-sodium alloy to form:
(1) Tetraethyl lead
(2) Tetraethyl bromide
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) none of these
Grignard reagent shows addition on:
Which set of reagents will produce freon ()?
Chloroform is kept in dark coloured bottles because:
1. It is inflammable.
2. It gives a peroxide.
3. It undergoes rapid chlorination.
4. It is oxidised to poisonous phosgene gas.
Which statement is correct?
(1) reacts with alcoholic to form
(2) when treated with metallic sodium gives ethane
(3) when treated with sodium ethoxide forms diethyl ether
(4) with forms ethyl cyanide
Chloral is:
Identify (Z) in the following reaction series,
Identify the product (A) in following reaction series
(A) :
(1) CH3CHO
(2) CH3CONH2
Identify ′Z′ in the following reaction series,
(1) Mixture of and
Ethylene dichloride on treatment with aqueous KOH gives:
(1) CH3CHO
(3) HCHO
Vicinal and geminal dihalides can be distinguished by:
(1) KOH (aq)
(2) KOH (alc.)
(3) Zn dust
(4) none of those
A compound A gives B(C3H6O) on reaction with KOH aq and C (C3H4) with alcoholic KOH.B on oxidation gave a compound of the formula C3H6O2. C with dilute H2SO4 containing Hg2+ ion gave D of formula C3H6O, which with bromine and NaOH gave the sodium salt of C2H4O2. Then A is
(1) CH3CH2CHCl2
(2) CH3CCl2CH3
(3) CH2ClCH2CH2Cl
(4) CH3CHClCH2
Which is the major product of the following reaction?
1-2-dichloro ethane +
Unknown product (P) of the above reaction is:
Product of reaction is :
Consider the following alcohols :
The order of decreasing reactivities of these alcohols towards substitution with HBr is:
(1) III > I > IV > II
(2) III > I > II > IV
(3) I > III > IV > II
(4) I > III > II > IV