Consider the following statements regarding aerial modifications of stem:
I. Tendrils help plants to climb as seen in passion flower and Vitis
II. Axilary and Terminal buds are modified into thorns in lemon, pomegranate and karonda
III. Prickles develop superficially at the surface of the stem and are distributed irregularly as in rose and plum
Of the given statements, correct are:
1. I and II only
2. I and III only
3. II and III only
4. I, II and III
In Australian Acacia, the petiole or any part of rachis becomes flattened taking the shape of a leaf and turning green in color. This structure is called as:
1. Phylloclade
2. Cladode
3. Phyllode
4. bulbil
In the ray florets of sunflower, the condition of the flower is termed as:
1. Superior
2. Inferior
3. Epigynous
4. Hypogynous
is the floral formula of
1. Allium
2. Sesbania
3. Petunia
4. Brassica
Perigynous flowers are found in
1. Guava
2. Cucumber
3. China rose
4. Rose
Leaves become modified into spines in
1. Opuntia
2. pea
3. onion
4. silk cotton
Among bitter gourd, mustard, brinjal, pumpkin, China rosa, lupin, cucumber, sunnhemp, gram, guava, bean, chili, plum, Petunia, tomato, rose, Withania, potato, onion, aloe and tulip, how many plants have hypogynous flower?
1. Six
2. Ten
3. Fifteen
4. Eighteen
Seed coat is not thin, membranous in
1. maize
2. coconut
3. groundnut
4. gram
Placentation in tomato and lemon is
1. parietal
2. free central
3. marginal
4. axile
Phyllode is present in
1. Asparagus
2. Euphorbia
3. Australian Acacia
4. Opuntia
The gynoecium consists of many free pistils in flowers of
1. Aloe
2. tomato
3. Papaver
4. Michelia
Which one of the following is correctly matched?
1. Onion - Bulb
2. Ginger - Sucker
3. Chlamydomonas - Conidia
4. Yeast - Zoospores
Which one of the following statements is correct?
1. Seeds of orchids have oil-rich endosperm
2. Placentation in primrose is basal
3. Flower of tulip is a modified shoot
4. In tomato, fruit is a capsule
The correct floral formula of chilli is
An example of axile placentation is
1. Argemone
2. Dianthus
3. lemon
4. marigold
Dry indehiscent single-seeded fruit formed from bicarpellary syncarpous inferior ovary is
1. caryopsis
2. cypsela
3. berry
4. cremocarp
The length of different internodes in a culm of sugarcane is variable because of
1. shoot apiacl meristem
2. position of axillary buds
3. size of leaf lamina at the node below each internode
4. intercalary meristem
Replum is present in the ovary of flower of
1. lemon
2. mustard
3. sunflower
4. pea
The fruit is chambered, developed from inferior ovary and has seeds with succulent testa in
1. pomegranate
2. orange
3. guava
4. cucumber
Pineapple(annanas) fruit develops from:
1. a unilocular polycarpillary flower
2. a multistillate syncarpous flower
3. a cluster of compactly borne flowers on a common axis
4. a multilocular monocarpillary flower
What type of placentation is seen in sweet pea?
1. Basal
2. Axile
3. Free central
4. Marginal
Which of these is a true nut?
1. Walnut
2. Areca nut
3. Cashew nut
4. Ground nut
A dicot plant lacking cotyledons is
1. Cuscuta
2. Santalum
3. Lodoicea
4. None of these
Lady finger belongs to the family
1. solanaceae
2. malvaceae
3. cruciferaceae
4. leguminacae
In the diagram of types of placentation given above 'A','B','C' and 'D' respectively represent
1. basal, axile, parietal and free central
2. free central, parietal, basal and axile
3. axile, basal, parietal and free central
4. parietal, axile, free central and basal
Clove is a
1. floral bud
2. modified root
3. auxilliary bud
4. seed
The family containing mustard and its main characters are
1. Brassicaceae-Tetramerous flowers, six stamens, bicarpellary gynoecium, siliqua type fruit
2. Brassicaceae- Pentamerous flowers, many stamens, pentacarpellary gynoecium, capsule type fruit
3. Solanaceae- Pentamerous flowers, five stamens, bicarpellary gynoecium, berry type fruit
4. Poaceae- Trimerous flowers, three stamens, monocarpellary gynoecium, caryopsis type of fruit
Velamen present in orchids helps in
1. absorption of nutrients from host plant
2. respiration
3. absorption of moisture from air
4. synthesising food
The cells of the quiescent centre are characterised by
1. having dense cytoplasm and prominent nuclei
2. having light cytoplasm and small nuclei
3. dividing regularly to add to the corpus
4. dividing regularly to add to tunica
Identify the given figures A,B,C,D and E
A |
B |
C |
D |
1. |
Marginal |
Axile |
Free central |
Parietal |
2. |
Marginal |
Parietal |
Free central |
Axile |
3. |
Marginal |
Axile |
Parietal |
Free central |
4. |
Marginal |
Axile |
Parietal |
Basal |
Select the mismatched pair out of the following
1. Rhizome-Dryopteris, Nelumbo nucifera
2. Corm-Crocus sativus, Amorphophallus
3. Sucker-Curcuma domestica, Zingiber offcinale
4. Tuber-Helianthus tuberosus, Solanum tuberosum
Identify the type of root given in the figure, from the given options.
1. A-Fusiform, radish; B- Napiform, turmeric; C-Tuberous, sweet potatoo
2. A-Conical, turnip; B-Nodulated, sweet potato; C-Tuberous, Curcuma amada
3. A-Conical , carrot; B-Tuberous, sweet potato; C- Fasciculated , Dahlia
4. A- Napiform, carrot; B-Nodulated, Tamarind; C-Tuberous, turmeric
'Cladode' is a characterstic morphological feature of
1. Asparagus and Ruscus
2. Casuarina and Opuntia
3. Cladophora and Cactus
4. Citrus and Euphorbia
Which one contain most reduced form of stem?
1. Bulb
2. Rhizome
3. Tuber
4. Twinner
Non-albuminous seed is produced in:
1. Maize
2. Castor
3. Wheat
4. Pea
Given is the list, how many of the following have Tap root system.
Mustard, wheat, Grass Monstera, Banyan
1. One
2. Three
3. Four
4. Two
The roots shown in the diagram are
1. Adventitious root system
2. Fibrous root system
3. Tap root system
4. All of these
Which of the following is not correct about root hair?
1. Thin
2. Delicate and thread like
3. Absorb water and minerals
4. Formed by pericycle of the roots
Rhizophora is
1. A type of root
2. A type of plant growing in swampy area
3. A type of plant growing in desert
4. A type of root for photosynthesis
Stems perform
1. Storage of food
2. Support
3. Protection
4. All of these
The stem of Pistia and Eichhornia has
1. Short internode
2. Rosette of leaves
3. Tuft of Roots
4. All of these
Simple leaf
1. Do not have any incisions
2. Always intact lamina
3. Incisions of the lamina reach to midrib
4. Entire lamina or when incisions do not reach to midrib
Rachis is
1. A prominent vein
2. Midrib
3. Found in pinnately compound leaf
4. All of these
Palmately compound leaves are found in
1. Citrus
2. Pomegranate
3. Guava
4. Silk cotton
Inflorescence is
1. Arrangement of leaves over stem
2. Arrangement of flower over floral axis
3. Arrangement of flower over pedical
4. Arrangement of leaves over nodes
Perianth is found in
1. Lily
2. Solanum
3. Pea
4. Buttercup
Which of the following flowers does not has actinomorphic symmetry?
1. Mustard
2. Datura
3. Chilli
4. Cassia
Sepals are free
1. Gamosepalous
2. Polysepalous
3. Pentasepalous
4. Tetrasepalous
The varying length of filament and valvate or open Aestivation is found in
1. Mustard
2. Calotropis
3. Salvia
4. China rose
In some plants a slender lateral branch arises from the base of the main axis and growing aerially for sometime, it archs downwards to touch the ground
Find the odd one with respect to statement
1. Mint
2. Jasmine
3. Grass
4. All of these