An alternate way to arrive at the equation 4s/r1 - 4s/r2 = 4s/r is as follows:
As you know, pressure inside soap bubble = Pext + 4s/r
Assume P1 = pressure inside smaller bubble S1 (same at all points inside smaller bubble).
P2 = pressure inside bigger bubble S2 (same at all points inside bigger bubble).
Now you can find P1 with a trick also.
Instead of atmospheric pressure as external pressure, use P2 as external pressure to calculate P1 (only applicable at common surface). (easier to think if you consider a point close to common surface in smaller bubble)
So, P1 = P2 + 4s/r, where r is the radius of common surface. (1)
You can calculate pressure in smaller and bigger bubble using external atmospheric also.
So, P1 = Patm + 4s/r1 (2)
P2 = Patm + 4s/r2 (3)
Now putting eqn (2) and (3) in (1), you get:
Patm + 4s/r1 = Patm + 4s/r2 + 4s/r
=> 4s/r1 = 4s/r2 + 4s/r
=> 4s/r1 - 4s/r2 = 4s/r
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