The immune-deficiency becomes marked once the HIV starts destroying
1. Macrophages
2. T helper cells
3. B lymphocytes
4. Natural killer cells
The most standard HIV screening blood test:
1. Predicts how fast can one develop AIDS
2. Measures the amount of virus in the blood
3. Detects antibodies against the virus
4. Can be done only after appearance of opportunistic infections
The early screening test for HIV infection is :
2. Western Blot
3. Culture of HIV
4, Detection of opportunistic infections
Opportunistic infections appear in AIDS patients when the HIV has destroyed :
1. Macrophages
2. T cytotoxic cells
3. T helper cells
4. B cells
AIDS is characterized by the presence of:
1. Nosocomial infections
2. Iatrogenic infections
3. Opportunistic infections
4. Subclinical infections