The receptors for opioids are found in :
1. GIT and CNS
2. CNS and CVS
3. CVS and GIT
4. GIT and Urinary system
Which of the following drugs acts by interfering with the transport of the neurotransmitter Dopamine?
1. Morphine
2. Hashish
3. Cocaine
4. Atropine
What is incorrect regarding opioids?
1. Their receptors are in CNS and CVS
2. They are generally taken by snorting and injection
3. They are CNS depressants
4. They can be powerful sedatives and painkillers
The skeletal structure shown in the given diagram shows the structure of :
1. | Morphine | 2. | Diacetyl morphine |
3. | Cannabinoid | 4. | Cocaine |
The receptors for the drug shown below are located in :
1. CNS and CVS
2. CVS and GIT
3. CNS and GIT
4. CNS and PNS