Presence of intercalated discs help cardiac muscles to act as a functional syncytium. This is possible because the structure of these discs have:

1. Tight junctions 2. Gap junctions
3. Adhering junctions 4. Plasmodesmata

Subtopic:  Glandular Epithelium & Cell Junction | Cardiac Muscle & Smooth Muscle |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

The type of epithelium that makes up the ‘Urothelium’ is:
1. Transitional
2. Stratified squamous non keratinized
3. Pseudostratified
4. Cuboidal brush bordered

Subtopic:  Simple Epithelium |

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Secretions from mammary glands are expelled by the contractile function of:
1. Smooth muscle
2. Skeletal muscle
3. Myoepithelium
4. Epithelio-muscular cell

Subtopic:  Glandular Epithelium & Cell Junction |

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In the given diagram of ultrastructure of a compact bone, identify A, B, C and D:

1. Osteon, Lamellae, Haversian canal, Volkmann’s canal respectively
2. Lamellae, Osteon, Haversian canal, Volkmann’s canal respectively
3. Lamellae, Osteon, Volkmann’s canal, Haversian canal respectively
4. Osteon, Lamellae, Volkmann’s canal, Haversian canal respectively

Subtopic:  Connective Tissue |

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In the given diagram of areolar tissue, the structure that secretes mediators of inflammation is labeled by the letter:

1. A 2. B
3. C 4. D
Subtopic:  Connective Tissue |

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The type of connective tissue shown in A and B in the given diagram are respectively located in:


1. Tendon and Ligament
2. Ligament and Tendon
3. Tendon and Skin
4. Skin and Tendon

Subtopic:  Connective Tissue |

To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.


To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.


Identify the incorrect statement regarding the parts labeled in the following diagram:

1. A is the perimysium
2. B is the structural unit of skeletal muscle
3. C is epimysium
4. D is the endomysium

Subtopic:  Cardiac Muscle & Smooth Muscle |

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The epithelium shown in the figure is present in the lining of:

1. Fallopian tubes
2. Trachea
3. Ureter
4. Thyroid follicles

Subtopic:  Simple Epithelium |

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The type of exocrine gland seen in the lining of gastric mucosa is shown by the figure:





Subtopic:  Glandular Epithelium & Cell Junction |

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In the given diagram of a synovial joint, ligament and hyaline cartilage are represented respectively by the letters:


1. A and E
2. D and C
3. E and D
4. A and C

Subtopic:  Animal Tissue: Muscle Types & Skeletal Muscles |

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