In allopatric speciation, reproductive isolation is initially caused by:

1.behavioral barriers2.postzygotic barriers
3.geographic barriers4.ecological barriers

Subtopic:  Concept of Speciation |

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Persons with sickle cell trait are resistant to severe malaria. This shows:
1. heterozygote advantage
2. heterosis
3. punctuated equilibrium
4. reverse evolution

Subtopic:  Definition & Types of Evolution | Hardy Weinberg Law |

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The mammals evolved from:
1. Therapsids
2. Prosimians
3. Platyrrhinis
4. Sauropsids

Subtopic:  Sources of Variation: 1 | Sources of Variation: 2 | Concept of Organic Evolution: Evidence | Evolution Prior to Ape Man | Sources of Variation |

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The most critical evolutionary process, that leads to changes in allele frequencies and favors or promotes adaptation as a product of evolution, is :

1.Genetic drift2.Gene migration
3.Mutation4.Natural selection

Subtopic:  Origin of Life |

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The differential success in the reproduction, of an organism, in a given environment, is :

1.Adaptation2.Natural Selection
3.Adaptive radiation4.Saltatory evolution

Subtopic:  Darwin's Theory |

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A small population experiences a sudden crash in size due to a natural calamity. The biggest threat to the population is:
1. loss of genetic variability
2. tendency towards assortative mating
3. reduced gene flow
4. Hardy - Weinberg disequilibrium

Subtopic:  Difference Between Drift & Selection | Sources of Variation |

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What exactly does the nature act upon when selecting an organism?
1. dominant alleles
2. recessive alleles
3. phenotype
4. combined genotype

Subtopic:  Darwin's Theory | Additional Theories of Darwin | Natural Selection |

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Identify the incorrect statement:

1.  Neanderthals lived between 1,50,000 and 1,00,000 years back.
2.  Modern Homo sapiens arose between 75000 and 10000 years ago.
3.  Pre-historic cave art developed around 18000 years ago.
4.  Agriculture came around 10000 years ago.

Subtopic:  Concept of Organic Evolution: Evidence | Evolution Prior to Ape Man |

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Which of the following would be an example of a population that can show the potential for rapid speciation?
1. small in number but highly variable gene pool
2. large in number with large variations in the gene pool
3.sexual dimorphism amongst members
4.isolated inbred population

Subtopic:  Darwin's Theory |

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A population geneticist finds that a new allele in a population has suddenly increased in frequency. Most likely this allele is:
1. mutating rapidly
2. flowing with emigrants
3. strongly selected for
4. a product of assortative mating

Subtopic:  Theory of Evolution & Lamarckism | Additional Theories of Darwin |

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