The structure shown in the given diagram is characteristically seen in the Phylum:
1. Porifera
2. Ctenophora
3. Cnidaria
4. Molluska
The character that gives the Phylum Chordata its name is shown by:
1. | A | 2. | B |
3. | C | 4. | D |
In Planaria, waste material of food digestion and Nitrogenous waste material removed from
1. Mouth and mouth
2. Body wall and body wall
3. Mouth and Flame-cell
4. Mouth and Body wall
Which one of the following is not the function of cnidoblasts (sting cell)?
1. Anchorage
2. Defense
3. Caputure of prey
4. Reproduction
Open circulatory system is present in ?
1. Nereis
2. Ascidia
3. Octopus
4. Branchiostoma
Identify the following diagrams and these represent:
1. (a) radial symmetry, (b) bilateral symmetry
2. (a) bilateral symmetry, (b) radial symmetry
3. (a) asymmetrical, (b) radial symmetry
4. (a) bilateral symmetry, (b) asymmetrical
Bioluminescence is well marked in member of which phylum?
1. Porifera
2. Echinodermata
3. Ctenophora
4. Platyhelminthes
Correct flow water current in sponges is:-
1. Ostia OsculumSpongocoelOutside
2. OsculumSpongocoelOstiaOutside
3. OstiaSpongocoelOsculumOutside
4. OsculumOstiaSpongocoelOutside
Tube within a tube plan is found in
1. Coelenterata
2. Ctenophora
3. Platyhelminthes
4. Aschelminthes
Which of the following is not correct comparison between Locusta (A) and Prawn (B), illustrated in the following diagram?
| Character | Locusta (A) | prawn (B) |
1. | Body Segmentation and abdomen | Head, Thorax and Abdomen | Cephalothorax |
2. | Excretory organs | Malpighian tubules | Green glands |
3. | Respiratory organ | Trachea | Gills |
4. | Eye | Compound | Simple |
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4