Excess secretion of GH in middle age results in severe disfigurement of face is known as
(1) Gigantism
(2) Acromegaly
(3) Addison disease
(4) Grave’s disease
Which of the following is caused because of the excess secretion of the GH?
(1) Gigantism
(2) Acromegaly
(3) Dwarfism
(4) Both 1 and 2
Which of the following endocrine gland secretes melatonin
(1) Pituitary gland
(2) Pineal gland
(3) Hypothalamus
(4) Thymus
Which of the following hormone regulates sleep-wake cycle ?
(1) Melatonin
(2) Thyroxine
(3) Vasopressin
(4) MSH
Which of the following is true about melatonin?
(1) It influences metabolism
(2) It influences pigmentation
(3) It influences menstrual cycle
(4) All of these
The thyroid gland is composed of
(1) Follicles
(2) Stromal tissues
(3) Follicular cells enclosing a cavity
(4) All of these
Which of the following is present in the most abundant amount, in thyroxine?
(1) T3
(2) T4
(3) T2
(4) T1
Goitre occurs in case of
(1) hyperthyroidism
(2) hypothyroidism
(3) Cancer of thyroid gland
(4) all of these
A child, with stunted growth, mental retardation, low IQ, and deaf- mutism, is having these conditions because of
(1) hyperthyroidism
(2) hypothyroidism
(3) Cancer of thyroid gland
(4) all of these
A man is having tumor in thyroid gland which adversely affects the body physiology, this is because of
(1) hyperthyroidism
(2) hypothyroidism
(3) Both 1. and 2.
(4) None of these