What is the basic requirement to place organism in various categories?
a. Knowledge of characters of an individual or group of organisms
b. Knowledge of all identified species
c. Comparative analysis of all known species
d. All of above
What does not hold true with Species?
a. Group of individual organisms
b. Having Fundamental similarities
c. Having morphological differences
d. Each Genus has only one specific epithet
Which of the following is matched incorrectly:
1. Mangifera : indica
2. Panthera : tuberosum
3. Solanum : melongena
4. Solanum : nigrum
Genus has
a. More common character possessing group of one species than other species
b. More common character possessing group of species than species of other genera
c. Less common character possessing group of species than other phyla
d. Less common character possessing group of one species than other species
Genera are
a. An aggregate of different species
b. An aggregate of closely related species
c. An aggregate of different organism of a single species
d. An aggregate of closely related organisms of a single species
Cats come under Felis. Which taxon are we talking about?
a. Class
b. Order
c. Genus
d. Species
As we go from species to kingdom-
a. The number of similarities gets reduced than previous taxon.
b. The number of similarities gets increased than previous taxon.
c. The number of dissimilarities gets reduced than previous taxon.
d. None of the above
Families are characterised
a. On the basis of vegetative features
b. On the basis of reproductive features
c. Both a and b
d. On the basis of morphological features.
Identify the correct match:
a. Felis: canidae
b. Datura: Solanaceae
c. Petunia: Leguminoceae
d. Dogs: Felidae
Felidae does not have
a. Dogs
b. Cats
c. Tiger
d. Leopard