Golgi body comprises of
(4)All of the these
Which of the following is true about mitochondria except
(1)Semi-autonomous organelle
(2)Compartmentalisation is present
(3)Matrix contain 80s ribosomes
(4)Both A and B
Mitochondria is the power houses of the cell because
(1)ATP is synthesised here
(2)ATP is consumed here
(3)Asimmilatory power is consumed here
(4)All of the above
Which of the following is present in matrix of mitochondria
(4)All of the above
Cristae is formed through
(1)infoldings of inner membrane
(2)infoldings of outer membrane
(3)through deposition of intracellular lipids
(4)All of the above
Which of the following is true about mitochondria except
(1) easily visualised under microscope without staining
(2) It’s number in the cell depends on the physiological activity of the cell
(3)It is highly variable in their shape and size
(4)Double membranous structure
Endoplasmic reticulumn bearing ribosomes on their surface is called
(1)Rough endoplasmic reticulumn
(2)Smooth endoplasmic reticulumn
(4)None of these
Which of the following is true about SER (smooth endoplasmic reticulum), except
(1) Ribosomes are absent
(2)Actively involved in protein synthesis
(3)Steroidal hormone synthesis site
(4)Both A and C
Plastids are present in
(3)Both A and B
(4)all protists
Based on the type of pigments plastids can be classified into how many classes