What is the special characteristic feature of haplodiploid sex determination?
1. Males produce sperms by mitosis
2. Number of sets of chromosomes present in progenies will decide their sex
3. Workers will have a diploid set of chromosomes.
4. Drones will have a haploid set of chromosomes.
Colour Blindness is ------- due to defect in either----- or---- ------ of eye.
Which of the following is an autosomal recessive blood disease?
Which of the following are correct with respect to Thalassemia?
Read the following statements with respect to Thalassemia and find the wrong one.
How sickle cell anaemia is different from Thalassemia?
The basis of Thalassemia classification can be-
Alpha Thalassemia is controlled by ------- on chromosome number----
Which of the following statements is wrong with respect to beta Thalassemia?
The genes which are involved in alpha Thalassemia are---- and ----- while in beta thalassemia are----.