About what percent of the global carbon is contained in the atmosphere?
1. 71
2. 49
3. 17
4. about 1
During the stages of succession in a given ecosystem the following changes in characteristics may be observed:
Characteristic Stages in ecosystem development
Early Late
A. Total matter Low High
B. Species diversity Low High
C. Size of organism Small Large
D. Productivity Low High
E. Food chains Short Long
Which one of the characteristics, A, B, C, D or E is responsible for the apparent high degree of stability associated with a climax ecosystem?
(1) B
(2) D
(3) A
(4) E
Some of the stages in the hydrarch are labelled as:
A. Marsh meadow stage
B. Reed swamp stage
C. Submerged plant stage
D. Phytoplankton stage
E. Submerged free floating plant stage
Identify the choice that represents the correct sequence of these stages:
(1) D, C, E, B and A
(2) C, E, A, B and D
(3) B, D, C, A and E
(4) D, E, C, B and A
Which of the following is the functional unit of nature?
a. A plant
b. An animal
c. Ecosystem
d. Environment
Identify the odd one out?
a. Forest
b. Grassland
c. Desert
d. Wetland
Which of the following is not a man-made ecosystem?
a. Pond
b. Crop-field
c. Swimming pool
d. Both ‘a’ and ‘c’
Vertical distribution of different species occupying different levels is called as-
a. Vertification
b. Stratification
c. Succession
d. Layering
Which vertical strata is occupied by trees in a forest?
a. Top
b. Middle
c. Bottom
d. Any of the above.
Which of the following could affect the rate of function of a pond?
a. The solar input
b. The cycle of temperature
c. Day-length
d. All of the above
The basic requirement for any ecosystem to function and sustain is
a. Enormous amount of water
b. Constant input of solar energy
c. Fertile soil
d. Oxygen