Which of the following is an alkaloid?
1. Nicotine
2. Piperine
3. Codeine
4. All of these
A space rocket is propelled by:
(1) an automobile engine
(2) rocket propellant
(3) nuclear submarine
(4) steam engine
To which class of dyes does phenolphthalein belong?
(1) Azo dyes
(2) Nitro dyes
(3) Triphenyl methane dyes
(4) Phthalein dyes
Which of the follwoing is not antibiotic ?
(1) Tetracyclin
(2) Neomycin
(3) Carbomycin
(4) Cyclohexane
Phenacetin is used as:
(1) antipyrtic
(2) antiseptic
(3) antimalarial
(4) analgesic
Which of the following is used as an oxidizer in rocket propellants?
(1) Kerosene
(2) nitric acid
(3) Liquid oxygen
(4) Liquid hydrogen
An example of a liquid propellant is:
1. Nitro cellulose
2. HNO3 + HCl
3. Hydrazine
4. None of the above
A large number of antibiotics have been isolated form
(1) bacteria actinomycetes
(2) acids
(3) alkanols
(4) bacteria rhizobium
Hydrazine is a constituent of drugs that are used for the treatment of:
(1) typhoid
(2) cholera
(3) malaria
(4) tuberculosis
The substances which effect the central nervous system and induce sleep are called;
(1) tranquilizers
(2) antipyretics
(3) analgesics
(4) None of these