Sucrose on treatment with conc. HCl produces:-
(1) Glucose
(2) Fructose
(3) Glucose + Fructose
(4) Maltose
Which type of amino acid is lysine ?
1. b - amino acid
2. Acidic
3. Basic
4. Neutral
Mixture of glucose and water can be separated by:-
1. Distillation
2. Crystallisation
3. Sublimation
4. All of the above
Glucose and Mannose are
1. C1 epimers
2. Anomers
3. C2 epimers
4. C4 epimers
Number of Chiral carbon atoms in cyclic b-D(+)-glucose is
1. 5
2. 4
3. 3
4. 2
The structure of glycine (amino acid) is (zwitter ion). The correct statement among the following is-
1. Glycine, as well as other amino acids are amphoteric.
2. The acidic functional group in amino acids is
3. The basic functional group in acids is
4. All the statements are correct.
The above process in which a and b form remain in equilibrium with acyclic form and a change in optical rotation is observed which is called as–
(1) Mutarotation
(2) Epimerisation
(3) Condensation
(4) Inversion
How many moles of HIO4 is required to break down the following molecule?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
Nitrous acid (HNO2) converts amino acids into hydroxy acids with retention of configuration.
Estimation of nitrogen gas evolved in the reaction is the basis of Van slyke estimation of amino acids. Which of the following amino acids cannot be analysed by Van slyke method?
Codes :
(1) only I
(2) only II
(3) I and III
(4) I, III, IV
Which of the following aldohexoses give the same osazone derivative ?
(1) I and IV
(2) I and III
(3) II and III
(4) III and IV