'Torr' is the unit of
1. Pressure
2. Volume
3. Density
4. Flux
Which of the following is a derived unit
1. Unit of mass
2. Unit of length
3. Unit of time
4. Unit of volume
Dyne/cm2 is not a unit of :
1. Pressure
2. Stress
3. Strain
4. Young's modulus
Which of the following is not the unit of energy
1. Calorie
2. Joule
3. Electron volt
4. Watt
Which of the following is not a unit of time
1. Leap year
2. Micro second
3. Lunar month
4. Light year
The S.I. unit of gravitational potential is
1. J
Which one of the following is not a unit of young's modulus?
4. Mega Pascal
In C.G.S. system the magnitutde of the force is 100 dynes. In another system where the fundamental physical quantities are kilogram, metre and minute, the magnitude of the force is
1. 0.036
2. 0.36
3. 3.6
4. 36
The unit of L/R is (where L = inductance and R = resistance)
1. sec
2. sec–1
3. Volt
4. Ampere