The causal agent of scrapie disease:
1. Is a proteinaceous particle
2. Has ss RNA
3. Is composed of protein and DNA
4. Is non-infectious to humans

Subtopic:  Virus, Viroids & Prions |
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Please attempt this question first.

A protozoan without a locomotory structure is:

1. Entamoeba
2. Trypanosoma
3. Plasmodium
4. Paramecium
Subtopic:  Kingdom Protista: Introduction | Protozoa |
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Read the below-given features and select how many of them are true for Agaricus:
(a) Mycelium is branched and septate
(b) Sexual spores are produced inside an ascus
(c) Fruiting bodies are edible
(d) Lack of sex organs and sexual reproduction
1. 4
2. 3
3. 1
4. 2
Subtopic:  Kingdom Fungi: Basidomycetes |
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Please attempt this question first.


The figure shows potato affected by certain disease. The affected plants are stunted, tubers may be small, elongated, cylindrical, spindle or dumb-bell-shaped, with prominent eyes evenly distributed over the tuber, and cracking. What will be true for the given figure?

I: The disease is Potato Spindle Tuber Disease.
II: It is caused by a pathogen that is high molecular weight double stranded RNA.
1. Only I 2. Only II
3. Both I and II 4. Neither I nor II
Subtopic:  Virus, Viroids & Prions |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The given figure shows: a normally folded protein [A] and a misfolded protein [B]. What will be correct?

I: Prions are misfolded proteins that have the ability to transmit their misfolded shape onto normal variants of the same protein.
II: Prions cause scrapie in sheep, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle (commonly known as "mad cow disease") and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) in humans.
1. Only I 2. Only II
3. Both I and II 4. Neither I nor II
Subtopic:  Virus, Viroids & Prions |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Given below is a schematic representation of the events in the life cycle of a fungus belonging to Basidiomycetes. Identify the correct statements:
Statement I: A is karyogamy; B is plasmogamy and C is meiosis.
Statement II: Though not shown in the figure the fungi belonging to this class reproduced extensively by asexual methods involving conidia.
1. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
2. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
3. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
4. Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
Subtopic:  Kingdom Fungi: Basidomycetes |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch


Given below is a schematic representation of the events in the life cycle of a fungus belonging to Ascomycetes. Identify A-E:

1. A: Sporangiophore
B: Sporangia
C: Ascocarp
D: 4 Ascospores
E: Ascogonium
2. A: Sporangiophore
B: Sporangia
C: Ascocarp
D: 8 Ascospores
E: Ascogonium
3. A: Conidiophore
B: Conidia
C: Ascogonium
D: 4 Ascospores
E: Ascocarp
4. A: Conidiophore
B: Conidia
C: Ascogonium
D: 8 Ascospores
E: Ascocarp
Subtopic:  Kingdom Fungi: Ascomycetes |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Given below is a schematic representation of the events in the life cycle of Rhizopus. Find the correct match for A-D:
1. Plasmogamy Karyogamy Meiosis Sporangia
2. Karyogamy Plasmogamy Meiosis Sporangia
3. Plasmogamy Karyogamy Mitosis Conidiophores
4. Karyogamy Plasmogamy Mitosis Conidiophores
Subtopic:  Kingdom Fungi: Sexual Reproduction in Fungi |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The given figure shows the architecture of the cell wall of:

1. Archaebacteria
2. Gram positive bacteria
3. Diatoms
4. Dinoflagellates
Subtopic:  Kingdom Protista: Chrysophytes |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


The given figure shows an organism capable of causing ret tides in water bodies that adversely affect the aquatic life. This organism can be:

1. Ctenoplana
2. Gonyaulax
3. Pennatula
4. Gorgonia
Subtopic:  Kingdom Protista: Dinoflagellates |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch