According to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), which particulate size in diameter (in micrometres) of the air pollutants is responsible for greatest harm to human health?
1. 2.5 or less
2. 1.5 or less
3. 1.0 or less
4. 5.2 or 2.5
Which one of the following is being tried in India as a biofuel substitute for fossil fuels?
1. Jatropha
2. Azadirachta
3. Musa
4. Aegilops
Which one of the following is the correct percentage of the two (out of the total of 4) green-house gases that contribute to the total global warming?
1. CFCs 14%, CH4 20%
2. CO2 40%, CFCs 30%
3. N2O 6%, CO2 86%
4. CH4 20%, N2O 18%
Which one of the following is being utilized as a source of bio- diesel in the Indian
1. Euphorbia
2. Beetroot
3. Sugarcane
4. Pongamia
In a coal fired power plant electrostatic precipitators are installed to control emission of:-
1. SO2
2. NOx
3. SPM
4. CO
Which one of the following is not a bioindicator of water pollution?
1. Sludge-worms
2. Blood-worms
3. Stone flies
4. Sewage fungus
The "blue baby' syndrome results from
1. excess of chloride
2. methaemoglobin
3. excess of dissolved oxygen
4. excess of TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)
Chipko movement was launched for the protection of
1. grasslands
2. forests
3. liverstock
4. wet lands
The two gases making highest relative contribution to the greenhouse gases are
1. CO2 and CH4
2. CH4 and NO2
3. CFCs and N20
4. CO2 and N20
dB is a standard abbreviation used for the quantitative expression of
1. the density of bacteria in a medium
2. a particular pollutant
3. the dominant Bacillus in a culture
4. a certain pesticide